Lately, this has gotten stuck in my head. My only concern with it is there is an equivalent girl's name Erin, though they look completely different. What do you think? I don't want DS to constantly have to correct his gender over the phone or be teased. Do you like the name? Impressions?
Anxiously awaiting DD #2! EDD 2/5/12
Re: The name Aaron
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I went to school with an Aaron and he was never teased. I don't think he would ever have a gender-issue over the phone as "Aaron" is the guy spelling.
I know a couple-Aaron and Erin
I LOVE the name Aaron, but I think I prefer Samuel. But no, I don't think an Aaron would ever have to correct someone on his gender (based on his name anyway).
I pronounce them exactly the same, so if I just heard the name, I wouldn't necessarily know the gender. I do know both Aarons and Erins, but once gender is clear, then it is obvious as to the spelling, if that makes sense.
I had the same exact issue with this name! I love the name Aaron, but I hate Erin for a girl. Although there might be a slight variation in the way they are pronounced, they virtually sound the same when spoken. I wasn't a fan of that.
I don't think it would be teased though, so if you really love it, use it! I like it much better than Samuel.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Then you're pronouncing one of them incorrectly.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
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No, I'm not. It's a regional accent. Just like some people pronounce "Marry, Mary, and Merry" differently when they are the same to me.
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That is amazing! It never would have occured to me in a million years to put the emphasis on the second syllable. With my accent, air comes out a bit closer to ear. So when I say your pronunciation of air-AHN, it sounds exactly the way I pronounce the country Iran.
To OP: When the words are leaving my mouth, I think that I am saying more of an AIR sound for Aaron, but when the words hit my ears, they actually sound exactly the same.
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
This. I think once you know the gender the spelling should be clear. I don't think it's huge deal. I really like the name Aaron (and Erin too!)
Re: pronunciation...
FWIW, I asked my friends about the pronunciation issue of Erin vs Aaron and all of my Midwestern (esp. Michigan) friends (including a girl named Erin) agree they are pronounced the same. It seems to be different in most other US regions, though. But I guess don't be shocked if you occasionally run into people who say them the same way. It really just is a regional accent thing, regardless of how they are "supposed" to be pronounced. There is no way I can get them to sound different, no matter how much I try.
That being said, I like both names!