Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

My MIL has hit a whole new level of crazy (vent)


Re: My MIL has hit a whole new level of crazy (vent)

  • Reading these replies, I feel really out of step with the majority of the responses.

    Facebook and Twitter and blogs are public ways to disseminate information. To put it out there and then get annoyed and call someone a stalker for reading it makes no sense to me. None at all. And I fail to see how clicking like or commenting is in any way annoying. I mean, whatever, they like a lot of what you write or post.

    And, anyone who has been through junior high knows that whenever you talk to someone - and especially whenever you put it in writing - there's a chance that it's going to get back around to the subject. I'm sorry, but you take your chances there and I have little sympathy.

  • *wonders how many MILs are reading this*


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  • imageBec&Elly:

    *wonders how many MILs are reading this*


    he he!
  • omg!!! if she's gonna snoop on you, than who cares if she see's what you wrote. She deserves what she sees.  Why should you have to jump through hoops to  edit your FB settings.  You shouldn't let her get to you like that.

    Who cares if she cries to your husband. Like what's he gonna do??? divorce you???  IF so perhaps he should just marry his mom!!!  your MIL needs to mind her own business and get a life!!!!!

  • imageCityplanner:

    Facebook and Twitter and blogs are public ways to disseminate information. To put it out there and then get annoyed and call someone a stalker for reading it makes no sense to me. None at all. And I fail to see how clicking like or commenting is in any way annoying. I mean, whatever, they like a lot of what you write or post.

    And, anyone who has been through juniorhigh knows that whenever you talk to someone - and especially whenever you put it in writing - there's a chance that it's going to get back around to the subject. I'm sorry, but you take your chances there and I have little sympathy.

    THIS exactly!  I am baffled by so many of the responses on here.  If you put it out there for people to read, then chances are it is going to get back to the one person you don't want it to get back to.  I repeat the pp's response: did you learn NOTHING from middle school?  Facebook is not a safe place to divulge what you dislike about a person.  I'm sorry, but I think you were rude and out of line and owe your MIL an apology.  If you have a problem with her, woman-up and discuss it with her like an adult.

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  • ok, I don't know you or how to send you a private message, but I had to read that TWICE because I thought you were talking about me, and I'm not even kidding! I am also from NH and my mother in law does the SAME EXACT THING!!! She is a cyber STALKER and she is OBSESSED with facebook and commenting on my page, reading my posts and she actually clicked on my comment to someone else the other day too and mentioned it by saying she had seen a picture of our friends baby but I KNEW that was only because she clicked through my page, she is NOT friends with her. I feel like we could really vent to each other haha, if only I knew you...
  • She probably is but just wanted to let you know that ive had peoples comments to their friends that i was not friends with pop up on my screen. Maybe that was the case and maybe not
  • And that is exactly the reason I proactively blocked my MIL on FB from the moment that I found out she had an account. I did the same to many other members of my husbands family because I felt uncomfortable being put in the position to have to say no. But if anyone does do the whole proactively blocking thing they MUST tell their husband.

    In all truth if you feel like this about a relative of your husbands he knows it and he won't be surprised. Be the bigger person and set the boundary, talk to your husband and tell him that you are not comfortable with his Mother being in this part of your cyber-life and that you want to put up some reasonable boundaries; that is not rude it's reality. And if she does get her feelings hurt by snooping then she only has herself to blame. Nosey people often hear things that are hurtful b/c their always up in peoples business and thats their fault.

    As for him if she does call and cry to him he needs to adhere to that essential fact of marriage that ALL husbands have to eventually get to....... that you are his wife BEFORE he is her son, that's what marriage does it establishes that you come before her and is going to have to let her know that. 

  • Wow, some people just try too hard. If your mother-in-law can't handle a joke, I think it's clear she has the problem. I think you're 100% in the right, and she needs to get over herself.
  • This is why I never say anything about any family member, mine or DH's, on fb.  It will almost always bite you in the ass.

     btw, I LOVE your siggy pic.  your DD is precious.

  • OMG.  I totally feel your pain.   My MIL drives me crazy!!   i kept talking to DH & my therapist.  Finally, i blocked her.  From my wall, and all new photos.  It took her about 3 weeks to notice, and then she posted something very childish about not wanting to be my friend anymore.   To this day, we are STILL friends on FB.  I honestly wish i could just delete her.  It sucks.    But she uses FB as a way to pry into our lives & put her unwanted opinion in.... no thanks!!!

    Good luck!!!    It seems these days noone gets along with their MIL.    :(

  • Aww i totally understand. My mil is fine, but my own mother is unemployed and is on FB all day long, who knows the extent of her stalkerdom! All I know is that I hear about who said what on FB constantly from her! Because of this, and the amount of "friends" on my FB that are not really my friends, just old acquaintances, I sucked it up and deleted anyone that I do not talk to regularly in real life off of my FB with a cold and distant heart! I then warned my mother that despite how much I love her, so help me God, I will delete her as well!! I gave the same advice to my little brother's poor girlfriend, who is only 18 and is constantly being stalked then criticized on and off of FB by my mother on every little post that she puts up. She deleted her and their relationship has slightly improved!
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