

How do your organize your yarn, projects (I always have more than one going at a time) and needles?

Right now I have some yarn mixed in with my sewing, a small tin full of yarn and a reusable Archiver's bag full of yarn.  My needles are unorganized in an old wooden sewing box.  I need some organization!

Do you knit in the same spot?  Sometimes I move around and that makes it more difficult to stay organized.

Mom to DD 6.5 years, DD 5 years, DS 18 months

Re: Knitters

  • I almost always knit in the same spot. I have my chaise in the family room with a table on either side. One has my Ott light, knitting books and Snuggie in it, and the other has my laptop (for checking Ravelry), my sewing box on the shelf, and my knitting bag underneath.

    The knitting bag is my old Land's End diaper bag, and holds all of my WIPs. I separate each individual project by putting the yarn, needles, pattern and notions into a gallon ziploc bag. Most of my needles are in pockets of the diaper bag. It's nice and roomy. Any extra yarn for a current project that doesn't fit into the active project bag is on the shelf with the sewing box.

    The vast majority of my yarn stash is currently being organized into the new IKEA Expedit bookcase and the Sterilite containers I just bought. That will have all of my sewing, knitting and random craft stuff in baskets and bins. The sewing machine will go onto a desk that I bought for $5 at a yard sale and will be refinishing to match the Expedit.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I'm another fan of the Ziploc sorting system. Every project gets its own Ziploc, which has everything I need for the project. Non-active yarns are kept in one large plastic tub. Non-active needles are stored in a plastic shoe box, sorted by needle size (I intermix straights and circs and dpns because I often use them imterchangeably). Non-active accessory tools (markers, scissors, etc) are kept in a Ziploc in my main knitting bag, which I use to tote projects around.
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  • you don't even want to know, I'm ridiculously unorganized!  I'll stay tuned here for some tips.  :)  I do covet the Expedit shelves for yarn and fabric, though...someday I will adorn my craft corner with those. 
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I have my yarn in two huge wicker baskets in my bedroom.  My projects (only two going right now) are on my bedside table. 

    My sewing room on the other hand is a disaster.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
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