i've been thinking about your post regarding feeling awkward at preschool. My son goes to preschool at the same center he's been at since he was 1 and i still feel awkward with the other parents.
I was wondering if you could use your skill as a photography to "break-in". I would love it if a parent with your skill took some candids of the kids at play. Obviously you'd have to ask the teachers and they would get parent permission. If you could donate an hour or two to take pics of the kids at play parents would be getting to see a side of their kids they don't get at drop-off and pick-up. It would certainly generate something to talk about for you, because any parent would LOVE your pics, and it makes you look like generous person (as I'm sure you are). Business wise.... a few hours of photo time and a few pics that you print for the classroom, might reap you lots of referrals. We have a similar thing at our school. The art teacher takes fairly good candids,we get one free, were order the rest as a fundraiser for the school. Her pictures are good but not nearly as good as yours.
Re: ***joseys****
Thank you for your ideas! The thought has crossed my mind, but right now I'm not really in a position to commit to anything more than I already am with it being busy season for my photography, in addition to a fundraiser event I volunteered to photograph in a couple of weeks, and I'd still like to donate a session this year to a deserving family with another organization. Also, I don't always feel comfortable pushing my photography on people I want to be friends with because, to be honest, I don't work for free (or cheap) and I've been burned in the past by "friends" who expect that of me.
We did get a voluneer sheet at the beginning of school, and I filled that out. One of the volunteer opportunities on there is to help with planning special events and parties for the school, which is right up my alley, and I think when those things come up, it will be a great way to meet the other parents.
I was thinking about it all more last night, too, and I just reminded myself that just 5 years ago, I went to college in a town 400 miles from home where I didn't know one person, and I managed to make friends then. It just takes time and I just have to be willing to put myself out of my comfort zone.
Thanks for the thoughts!