Pre-School and Daycare

All of this costume and dress-up talk...

has got me worried.

DD won't play dress-up. Never has.

Doesn't even want to dress for Halloween. We had to beg her last year, and once we stopped, she got dressed.

I'm sure it's a power struggle, so we just leave it alone. For this reason, however, we didn't buy her a costume this year. She can wear last year's again! LOL!

DS is another story... he will be a dragon. Sooo cute and only $11 by Carter's at Costco! Steal!!!

Re: All of this costume and dress-up talk...

  • Eva has no interest in playing dress up either.  Occasionally she'll put on some jewelry but that's it.  I made her a tutu and she runs screaming from it.  She will dress up for Halloween though- it seems like that's the only time she's okay with putting on pretend clothes.  She does have a great imagination though and is always pretending to be different things, she just has no interest in wearing costumes to go along with them.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • imageRead2Me:
    Eva has no interest in playing dress up either.  Occasionally she'll put on some jewelry but that's it.  I made her a tutu and she runs screaming from it.  She will dress up for Halloween though- it seems like that's the only time she's okay with putting on pretend clothes.  She does have a great imagination though and is always pretending to be different things, she just has no interest in wearing costumes to go along with them.

    Wow, we have the SAME daughter! LOL! Seriously, everything you just typed is the same with my DD. Bought her a tutu for Halloween last year (to be a fairy like one of her favorite books) and she ran screaming from it EVERY TIME). Ugh. We 2 adorable tutus in our closet, never worn. This year, I swear she'll wear it LOL! ...or I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My DD is always pretending, too. "Reading" books to herself (by using the pictures to tell the story), talking to her stuffed animals, etc.

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