I have baby fever a bit and have been thinking of potential names of future children. I'm trying to work out a way to honor both of our mothers, if we have a girl, since we honored my H's Dad and him with using their mn for our son.
My mom is Carolyn and my MIL shares a mn with me, May (hers is spelled Mae). One thought I had was to do Caroline May but I'm wondering if it is too close to my mom's name.
My mom's mn is Leona and the combination of Leona May for a mn is growing on me. I have two middle names so that might be why. Which route would you go? Just asking for thoughts because I'm enjoying a few peaceful moments to myself tonight.
Re: Planning ahead...
I like all of these names. I love Mae (it's nice with a Y too). Does your mom go by her full name or a nickname? You could use Caroline with Carrie as a nn...
But Leona Mae (or May) really is nice. Instead of having two middle names, why not just use Leona as the fn?
Hi ckmommy!!!
I love Caroline May (especially these spellings...nicely done!), but I have to say that Leona May is beautiful and has a sing-song quality to it.
Caroline is climbing the charts on popularity...it's currently #84 on the SSA Names. I don't think it's too close to your mom's name...more like honoring her with a variation. On the flip side, I'm not too keen on sibling aliteration. My family has three sets of cousins that do it, and if you have more than these two, then its like being obligated to continue (although you aren't). I know humans love to organize things.
Leona only recently entered the chart at #970 in 2009, and that gives it a bit more of an edge to me...she will be the only one in her class with it, and like I said before, it just sings.
Hope this helps!
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
And so does Leona Lewis! HA!
Smart alec!
Actually, I bet that's why it finally showed up on the charts in 2009.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
How far up do you think it will go in the next few years? (assuming she stays in the spotlight)
Also, do you think it will tend to be mostly used by any particular ethnicity or will it be picked up by all of them?
I agree with you on this. I wasn't meaning to go with a C name particularly but it was the best variation I could come up with. Carter ended up with a C name to have the same initials as his Daddy and Grandpa.
Can I be lame and ask who Leona Lewis is or whatever her name is? Yes, I'm that lame.
That's not lame. We each have a unique set of pop culture references to work from.
She is a British pop and R&B singer/songwriter. Her music is pretty good- at least what I've heard of it. I don't own any of her cds. She is of Afro-Guyanese, Welsh, Italian, and Irish descent, which works together to make a beautiful lady. Here is her official website, and here is her wikipedia page.
BTW, the more I am seeing/typing this name, the more I'm liking it. It's exactly my style, but I always wrote it off b/c of the singer reference. But now that I'm visiting her website and reading her biography, I'm thinking she wouldn't be a bad association for someone to associate with my daughter. And I think this is a reference that people could get over rather quickly, once they have a new association given to them.
That's okay CK - I didn't know who she was either. Most of us just Google to see what comes up, but then yeah...a few have more knowledge of certain areas. The only Leona I knew of was Leona the lion from the PBS show, Between the Lions.
Eaglefoot - not to hijack, but I don't expect it to go crazy like Miley or something trendy like that. I do think it will get a good showing in this next decade...probably on Name Berry.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website