Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diaper Service

I just signed up for a cloth diaper service in my area ( I have only used disposable up to this point so does anyone have any recommendations for using cloth diapers?

Since I am new to this any advice would be helpful except for advice on cleaning since the diaper service will pick up the soiled diapers weekly.

DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~

Re: Cloth Diaper Service

  • It looks like they are just providing you with prefolds so you might need covers.  I would give them a call and double check.  The service I will be using for my newborn provides the prefolds and prowrap covers. 

    If you are looking to purchase covers get the Thirsties diaper covers or Bummis are good too.

    If you are looking for tips on folds etc, check out this site:

    And the EFF blog is great for info:

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  • No it looks like they provide the wraps

    *taken from the site given*

    1. Free weekly delivery of premium organic, unbleached cotton diapers

    2. Free diaper pail(s). One or two as needed

    3. Free diaper doublers and hemp inserts for heavy wetters if necessary.

    4. Free fasteners and diaper wraps as needed.

    5. Free biodegradable, flushable diaper liners as needed

    my only suggestion is to find out what the fasteners are, if they aren't snappis I'd pick up a few from amazon or ebay or any website given on this board, they are so much easier than pins.


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  • I'll definitely be checking out the websites. Regarding the fasteners, they do use Snappis and also provide diaper wraps that have velcro tabs.

    How difficult is it to use cloth diapers compared to disposable? 

    DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
    Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
    ~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~
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