I am still pretty early on...but I have baby names on the brain today! My hubby and I have had a girls name picked out for a few years now (Aria Grace).... But I am confused on a boy name!
Here are some we like: (with either James or Salvatore as mn- our Dad's names)
Caden (my fave...I had NO IDEA it was a popular name until recently!)
What do ya think??
Re: Baby names on the brain!
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
Not gonna lie...I'm a little depressed about the Caden popularity! haha!
I forgot, we also like Gavin...
All around nice boys names. And while I can't stand the Aidan/Brayden/Caden trend anymore, you get kudos for spelling it right (we've seen some doozies).
Holden is a great, literary name. Jude and Reed (although I like the Reid spelling a bit more) are good too. Salvatore would be a pretty awesome middle name...so much personality! James is nice, but quickly becoming a filler name for boys.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home Décor"><img src="http://global.thenest.com/tickers/tt1b728d.aspx" alt="Birthday" border="0" /></a>
Caden- I'm sorry you are in love with such a popular name. I was in your situation at one time too. I had Jackson on my list for almost 10 years. Then when I joined this board, I realized how popular it is. Now it is off my list, and I actually feel relieved, because of the recent evolution of the name- Jackson>Jaxon>Jaxson>Jaxton>Paxton>Braxton>Thaxton Aack!
Here is a video that might interest you: RANT055.
If you are still considering this name, consider this: Generally, when you have to put a footnote on a name, it's not a good idea. You don't want your son to have to say "Hi, I'm Caden F. I know it sounds just like the name of every other boy my age, but it's okay, because my mom liked it before she knew it was popular."
Here's a Target commercial that may interest you: Target lunchbox commercial
Holden- Great name. While I'm not a fan of The Catcher In The Rye, I do have respect for it's impact on American Literature, and I love it when names are used as literary references. (You are a referencing Holden Caulfield, right? If not, nix the name.)
Jude- Excellent. It's not my style personally, but a good, solid boy's name; not too popular; spelled correctly!
Reed- I prefer the Reid spelling. But other than that, I like this name a lot! It's short and sweet; sounds a bit preppy (in a good way). Just don't name the next one Wyatt. (Reid and Wyatt = Read and Write)
Here is my list of possible middle name combinations:
1. Holden Salvatore
2. Reid Salvatore
3. Jude Salvatore
4. Holden James