DS will be 3.5 in October. When we signed him up for preschool, they put him in the 3 yo class. He started this week. Until now, he has been staying with my Mom 4 days/week while I work. He will go to preschool 3 days/week from 9-11:30.
DS knows his letters and many of his numbers. He is learning to write his name and does a pretty decent job. I haven't had the opportunity to work with him on much lately with the new baby unfortunately.
When I read the newsletter today, I noticed that the class for 3.5-4 is focusing on one letter/week. Whereas his class is doing more basic things--Be nice. Be ready., etc. and learning about nature. DS seems to enjoy the class--they have music time and craft time, etc. And I like his teacher. I don't know who the teacher is for the other class.
Should I ask what they think? If he should be moved to the other class? I would like for him to be advancing, but I also signed him up for the socialization aspect. He will also have another year of preschool before kindergarten.
Re: Preschool help needed--should I ask about moving DS?
They actually have two more classes-4 yo and 4.5 and 5 yo.
Our preschool has 3 classes-- 3 yrs, 3-4 yrs, and Pre-K.
I initially put him in the 3 year old class since he's never been to school before. They actually called me and recommended that I switch, because the 3s are all kids that just turned 3 in June-August. DS would have been the same as yours, and been WAY ahead. He knows all of his letters, upper and most lower, all colors, all shapes, counts to 20, etc. They were concerned that he might regress, because those kids are considerably less verbal than he is.
He'll do the 3-4 class this year, then the Pre-K next year, and go to K in the fall of 2012.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I'd probably see about moving him since they have other options for him and he wouldn't have to repeat.
Jackson is in the older 3s/4s class because his bday is 1 day past the cut off here. Otherwise he'd be with a lot younger kids, and as it is now, he's in the middle to the youngest but all the things they are doing are things he is prepared for (knows his letters, can write his name, numbers, etc.). He'd be bored in the other class - I will admit he is struggling a bit with the structure since he did not go to school last year, and it's a full day program 2x per week - but both his teachers, the director and me think that this is the best option for him. He can adjust to the structure and is already making strides there after 2 weeks - that's a huge part of why we're sending him to this program anyway (full day vs. shorter days - TN has full day K).
ETA: he is also with the kids who will start K at the same time he will (2012). Some are redshirted summer birthdays/early fall, and the rest are his age or a bit younger (Nov/Dec bdays).