TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Christmas ornament

I found the perfect ornament to remember my twins by. Last christmas I didn't decorate or anything. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I'm going to try and get back into it this year. I plan on getting an ornament made for our recent loss, just deciding on what I want it to say. Here is the ornament I bought yesterday.



image 3 IUI's all BFN

IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN

Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10

BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11

Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11

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Re: Christmas ornament

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