Hi all, I've posted before about looking for classic names that are not overly popular. I've added to my list and want some opinions.
Adline or Adelaide (can't decide which I like- and what about a nn- Addy?)
Peter (pete)
Re: Classic Names...again
I like Lillian and Emmeline best. I love the nn Annie, but I think it's a little too informal as a first name. I like Anne/Anna though.
Boys: Wesley is my favorite. I like Noah too, but I think it's starting to be overused.
I'm not sure about what level of popularity you are comfortable with (top 10, top 100, top 1,000), but your girls' list looks fairly popular to me. Pretty names ? just not the ones I'd choose if I were concerned about them being "overly popular."
Lillian: pretty, grows up well, beware: there are lots of little Lilys and Lilianas, so this name is more popular than its ranking
Lena: cute, simple, travels well
Annabel: this name is having a popularity surge at the moment ? I would avoid it if trendiness bothers you
Ellie: Ellie/Ella/Elle is super popular right now. If you love it, you might want to use it as a nickname for something a bit old-fashioned like Ellen or Helen.
Annie: ok for a nickname
Faye: I like it, and it's one of the only names on your list that is really not popular.
Noelle: ok, I guess. This board loves Noelle as a middle name.
Audry: Audrey?
Emmeline: ok, but sounds a bit trendy ? see Annabel
Adline or Adelaide (can't decide which I like- and what about a nn- Addy?): beware all the Adelyns out there. I like Adelaide better, but Addy is the new Maddy.
Vincent: pretty good, though nn Vince is unavoidable
Martin: I like it! underused, easy to pronounce/spell ? try to avoid "Marty"
Wesley: pretty good
Noah: This is a top 10 name. A nice name, but does not meet your popularity requirement.
Louis: very nice
Peter (pete): One of my favorites ? I would use it, but DH is Peter and we don't do juniors. Pardon the pun, but this name is sinking through the rankings like a stone. Keep a classic alive!
Dominic: ok, but reminds me of all of my guido cousins
Baby Name Popularity by State
My favorites
Emmeline or Audrey and Vincent
Lillian - lovely
Lena - s'okay...reminds me of hyena
Annabel - lovely (and one of my top 10 favorites
Ellie - s'okay...reminds me of Ellie the Elephant. I think of it more as a nick name...or UP inspired.
Annie - don't like...too much like a red-headed orphan who burst into song.
Faye - I love the sound of this name. Certainly not one you see a lot these days
Noelle - s'okay
Audry - misspelled
Emmeline - my daughter's name. Traditional French pronunciation is Em uh leen (like Josephine), however, I used what I assume is the American pronunciation similar to Caroline. Not in the top 1000 (as of 2009)
Adline or Adelaide - I love Adelaide (a character from the show, Guys and Dolls). Adeline is also a nice name.
Vincent - love this name!
Martin - I keep fluctuating on this one...some days I like it and others I don't.
Wesley - excellent name
Noah - also nice
Louis - a good name, but has a bad personal connection
Peter (pete) - Not really my style anymore...probably because of the penis references
Dominic - excellent name
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
Lillian- Not a fan, I know people on here like it, but I just really do not.
Lena- Very cute, I like it a lot (pronounced Lee-na)
Annabel- Pretty
Ellie- To much of a nn to me, but it is cute
Annie- Same comment as Ellie
Faye- Eh, I do not know what I think about this one, nothing wrong with it, just seems to old, not classic, but old.
Noelle- Cute, I like it more for a mn though
Audry- I LOVE Audrey, I think that is probably what you were going for.
Emmeline- LOVE LOVE LOVE Emmeline, but only when it is pronounced Emma-Leen, I do not like it as Emma-Line.
Adline or Adelaide (can't decide which I like- and what about a nn- Addy?)- Eh, I think it is ok, but I do think with all these Ad names out there right now, Addy is going to be a very popular name on the playground.
Vincent- Hate this name, it reminds me of a mobster
Martin- Not a fan of this one either, to old, but not in a nice classic way
Wesley- I really like Wesley!
Noah- Love Noah!
Louis- NMS
Peter (pete)- Penis
Dominic- Cute, NMS but I like it a lot
I must have been typing out my thoughts as you were too! I LOVE that your daughter's name is Emmeline and your pronounce it Emma-Leen! It is one of my fav girl names, but only pronounced this way! I went to HS with a girl named Emmeline (emma-leen) and I have loved it since then!
I also made the connection between Peter and penis, ha.
Lena. Eh...NMS
Annabel. I prefer it spelled Annabelle. This spelling always looks...I don't know...strange. Also, I think most people will assume the "elle" spelling, and she would have to correct that often. Nevertheless, I love the name.
So cute. But as someone who was named just "Allie," can I strongly encourage you to give her a full name? Elizabeth, Elena, Estelle, Eloise...I'm sure there are a ton of other possibilities.
Annie. Anne, Annie, and Anna are names that I simply don't like. I don't know why. But there's nothing wrong with them.
Faye. Very pretty. Works great as a middle name, too.
I don't think Noelle = classy, sophisticated, or professional.
Audry. You forgot the 'e'. A very pretty name. Classic and lovely, and often associated with Audrey Hepburn (which is awesome).
Emmeline. LOVE. Beautiful name.
Adline or Adelaide (can't decide which I like- and what about a nn- Addy?). I prefer Adelaide personally. Adaline kind of gets roped into the Madison/Addison/Madeline craze. Not feeling it.
Vincent. LOVE. Vince and Vinny are great NN, and the name itself is masculine and unique. One of my favorites.
Martin. Eh. Not the worst. It has potential. And at least he'd be the kid with the balls in the midst of all the Aidens, Graysons and Masons.
Peter (pete). Much like Annie, I don't have any reason, I just don't like it.
Dominic. LOVE.
Lillian - Not one of my favorites, but I like the nn Lily
Lena - I don't really like this one
Annabel - I think I would prefer spelling Annabelle
Ellie - nn? Or as a fn?
Annie - cute
Faye - I don't like this one either
Noelle - love this!
Audry - I like Audrey (spelled this way) it's on my list
Emmeline - ok, but I'm kinda tired of the Emm craze
Adline or Adelaide (can't decide which I like- and what about a nn- Addy?) - I don't like either :
Vincent - I like this
Martin - not a fan
Wesley - I like this one a lot
Noah - eh.
Louis - I actually really love this name!! But DH hates it
Peter (pete) - don't like
Dominic - don't like
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
I would call all of those "classic" but I like Lillian and Emmeline the best.
As for boys I like Louis and Peter. Noah is overused, though it's certainly a nice name.
I love the name Audrey. I agree with PP about Annie - I think it is a cute nickname but prefer the given name Anne/Ann or Anna. Noelle is cute, too, but I don't like it as much as Audrey and Anne/Ann/Anna.
For your boy names, I like Noah, Peter, and Wesley. I am not a fan of the others.
Me: 32 DH: 32
BFP #1: 4/1/2010 DS born: 12/3/10
TTC #2 since 5/2014
BFP # 2 : 6/16/14 EDD: 2/25/15 Missed Miscarriage discovered 7/10/14 D&C 7/17/14 Pathology results normal
BFP #3: 10/21/14 EDD: 7/6/15 11/24/14: Saw heartbeat!
TTCAL January 2015 Siggy Challenge: Animals in the snow
Scumbag Penguin
I love Lillian and Emmeline. Annie is okay too.
I love Noah! It was on our short list for DS2. I also like Wesley.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Great name list! I especially love your girl names! Good luck!
Like I said in your last post, you have some great names here!
Since I didn't post my reply in your last post until later that night, I wasn't sure if you saw my response. So I'd like to post a small portion related to popularity here, if I may:
Lillian - Love (although the related names and nicknames make it too popular for me)
Lena - LOVE (the newest addition to my long list)
Annabel - nms
Ellie - a nickname. I prefer a more traditional name on the birth certificate like Eleanor, Elise, or Eloise. (also, the related names and nicknames make this one too popular for me as well)
Annie - Another nickname. Prefer Ann or Anne
Faye - This would make a GREAT middle name for any of these!
Noelle - Perfectly fine name, just nms
Audry - I'm hoping this is a typo. Audrey is a timeless/classic name. Although it is very popular right now, I wouldn't call it trendy, since it's been in the top 300 on the SSA list since 1895.
Emmeline - adore
Adline or Adelaide (nn Addy) - nms to anything starting with Ad-
Vincent - Awesome!!
Martin - nms
Wesley - Love (nn Wes!). on my long list
Noah - waaaaay too popular
Louis - Love
Peter (pete) - nms. Too easy to make fun of.
Dominic - Love. on my long list
Love, love, love Emmeline. I wanted to name our youngest Emmeline but DH wouldn't go for it. We settled on Emily instead.
I also like Annabel, Lillian and Audry.
For the boys I like Noah and Dominic
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11