TTC After a Loss 6 Months+


I saw your post below and I am sorry.

I do though have a bottle of follistim from my last injection cycle. I only used 50ml out of it and it's a 900ml tube.

Seeing I am no longer as of now doing fertility drugs I would be happy to send it to you to help you out.

Please let me know.


Re: surfergirlkona

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    Thank you, that is very kind of you to offer.  I am pleading with my insurance company and hope for a positive outcome
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    Well please let me know anytime. Right now it's sitting in my fridge. And if it could help in anyways I am more than happy.
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    I saw your post below and I am sorry.

    I do though have a bottle of follistim from my last injection cycle. I only used 50ml out of it and it's a 900ml tube.

    Seeing I am no longer as of now doing fertility drugs I would be happy to send it to you to help you out.

    Please let me know.

    Maybe I am on complete hormone over-drive, but this also made me cry.  This is so sweet and kind.  

    Forever buddy to Angelica; Natural Miscarriage Jan. 2008 @ 11 weeks; 2 years of BFFN's; DX: Unexplained IF (RE thinks IF is due to tubal issues); IUI #1 & 2= BFFN; IUI#3 = BFP, resulted in Cornual ectopic pregnancy; IUI #4 - 6 =BFFN; Our next endeavor... IVF. 1 grade AA embryo transferred on 4-23-2011 and 5 frosties. BFP Abby born 1/5/2012

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    Her story made me cry, and I remembered I had left over drugs in my fridge. With my insurance going away with my job on the 15th I was not doing another round. So I'd rather give them to someone who could use them.

    I want all of you to be mom's you guys deserve it.

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    You both are making me cry ((hugs))
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