TTC After a Loss 6 Months+


If you get married in Vegas, you would have two built in witnesses.

Just Sayin' 


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    I just wrote something to this effect in the other post. 
    4 early losses 2009, 2010, 2015.  Baby #1 born 2/13/11.  
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    I just saw that. Great minds and all that jazz.

    I was a wedding and event planner for two years. And who doesn't want a Ginger in their wedding posse?

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    bwahaha. Well, it would work well too, because my mom and stepdad are going to be there at the same time too. We'll just have to see how this plays out with his mom and dad.

    Stillbirth at 23w6d on Sept, 22, 2008 M/C at 5 weeks June 14, 2010 My miracle, James Frederick born May 2, 2011 via C-section
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    bwahaha. Well, it would work well too, because my mom and stepdad are going to be there at the same time too. We'll just have to see how this plays out with his mom and dad.

    No pressure.

    It would just make it the most awesome vacation I've ever taken.Big Smile

    No matter what, can we say VEGAS BACHELORETTE PARTY!!!!!! I just might bring my awful condom veil for you. ::evil laugh::

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    Woohooooooooooo!  Can we delay the vegas trip.  IVF is going to be in the way of the festivities
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