Cloth Diapering

Funny Thought

Please don't flame me for saying this but do any of you ever want to get on the "Connect with Pampers" board and post a list of the chemicals that are in all disposable diapers?  I'm not trying to be nasty because to each his's everyone's personal choice whether to use cloth or sposies but everyone is talking about the chemicals in Pampers and sometimes I feel like saying "have you ever looked at the chemicals in any of the sposies out there?"

Just a thought......Hope I don't get flamed

Re: Funny Thought

  • We're still using disposables right now. Ordering some CDs this weekend (assuming we still have power after Earl). I just started feeling ultra guilty about the waste these diapers create and we're otherwise a very 'green' family.

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  • I wont flame because I am right there with you! (now we can both get flamed)

    I switched over when I thought about how I was using paraben/phalathate fee body wash on my daughter but exposing her to tons of other chemicals via her bum.  

    I talked to a mom the other day who had a four day old with a 'burn like' rash on her bum. I asked what diapers she was using and it was a major brand of sposies. I advised her to do some reading about what was it in that. She seems surprised that the diaper would burn her baby.

    I guess going with the mainstream is easier than bucking the system 

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  • imagekristas:

    I wont flame because I am right there with you! (now we can both get flamed)

    I switched over when I thought about how I was using paraben/phalathate fee body wash on my daughter but exposing her to tons of other chemicals via her bum.  

    I talked to a mom the other day who had a four day old with a 'burn like' rash on her bum. I asked what diapers she was using and it was a major brand of sposies. I advised her to do some reading about what was it in that. She seems surprised that the diaper would burn her baby.

    I guess going with the mainstream is easier than bucking the system 

    I'd be in the fire, too! people (under the age of 70 that weren't hippies) think I'm a little nuts, but when they see how easy the gDiapers are, they're usually convinced! 

    People usually assume that if it's made for babies, or made for people in general, then it must be safe... and they just don't bother to educate themselves! 

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  • what's crazy is that there are chemicals that they will no longer put into feminine hygeine (sp?) pads because of a link to Toxic Shock Syndrome but they put those same chemicals in diapers.

    I'm glad I didn't get flamed because like I said before I would never judge anyone for their choice in diapering but I get a kick out of reading the comments on the pampers board. 

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