I left to workout while dh was giving him a bath. They are hanging on our bed after the bath watching his favorite show, The Fresh Beat Band. Carson knows that I am gone. He gets right in dh's face with a sh!t eating grin and big wide eyes and whispers to him, "Hey dad, want to get a treat!" dh says "I don't know what do you think mom would do?" Carson replies with, "Umm, she would put me in timeout!" Dh couldn't help but laugh, so they get fishy crackers. Then dh keeps asking Carson for a bite while he is watching his show. Carson puts a fist full of crackers in dh's mouth and says, "There dad, now be quite."
lmao! can you believe him. he totallly has us figured out. i would never put him in timeout for asking for a treat but he knows i probably would not give him one. normally after dinner the kitchen is closed. and i definitely would not let him eat on the bed!
what a schmoozer, he has daddy wrapped.
Re: lol a Carson funny, I forgot about this last night
LOVE THAT STORY AMIE! Thanks for sharing! It gave me a much needed smile! Aren't our THREE year olds wonderful?! :-)
BTW - Paige told me the other day "Stopy whining to me!".....lol. OUCH!