Does anyone have or know anything about the Contours Options Tandem Stroller? It seems kind of cool. I just really wanted to not get another infant seat. I love the one I have. I was looking into a graco of some kind(my infant seat will fit with a greco double) but dont really love them. What do you think?
Re: 10,000 stroller question
I looked at it in the store and it does look pretty cool but it is REALLY big. I looked up the dimensions and it is bigger than the Graco and heavier as well I think.
For me, lighter is better so that crossed it off my list. I'm pretty sure we're going to pony up the dough for a Baby Jogger City Select.
I am being a brat about this.And way to picky. I dont want to lose the stroller I have. for one I love it and for two now the car seat and the stroller wont match.
I really like the city selsct and the city mini but I really wanted a front and back not a side by side.
Points at ticker. Time to make up my mind.
We are not getting a double stroller. I'm not really sure what we're doing/getting, but my plan was to get an Ergo carrier for #2 and keep L in his stroller now (which is a lightweight stroller, but not umbrella status). So baby will either be in the carseat carrier (in a shopping cart, or in the Chicco stroller), and L will either be in the smaller stroller (when DH and I are together and can manage 2 strollers), or I'll carry baby girl and have L in a stoller.
Someone just offered us a double stroller that they had for free, so we'll probably take it just in case we decide we need one, or want one in the future. But I don't plan on buying a double stroller until B is older and doesn't need one specifically for the carseat.
I looked at the Chicco Together but it is like driving a bus, and I know that we wouldn't use it often enough to justify the cost.
The city select is tandem when turned into a double stroller. This is what we're probably going to do as well although I hate the idea of giving up my Uppa Vista.
TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08
Baby Jogger City Select is front to back.
I just got my city select in the mail (the car seat adapter and second seat shipped today so I can start playing with it in a few days) and I really like it. My friend has the Contours one and it is HUGE. Much bigger than the BJCS.
Thanks for the input girls. I am deff not looking for a buss and dont know where they have it is stock for me to see. I think I am just going to forget about it all together
I was totally convinced by the contours website that this would be the perfect stroller for me...until I demo'ed it and realized it was like pushing a tractor-trailer. It immediately was removed from consideration. And it was so heavy.
This is the same thing that happened with us. Another thing that bugged me about it was that you have to take off one (or both?) of the seats to fold it up. Too much of a hassle for me!