Hello Ladies! I am new to the board, and I have been researching cloth diapering for quite a while (since before I got pregnant). I recently moved out of a city with a diapering service, so now if I want to do this, I will have to invest a bit more.
I have looked at alot of sites, and lurked on here a bit, but I still have a couple of questions. I plan to use mainly prefolds and covers, and do not have an unlimited budget (I am starting to surf ebay for deals).
1) I have looked at charts and what not about the various diaper covers, but I want to know from personal experience, which brand/variation do you like best?
2) Best prefold you have used? I have looked at many, and have heard alot of good about indian cotton prefolds. And as part of this question, are there any in the gerber line that actually work?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. I will probably be on here more as the time gets closer, and alot after the baby is born.
Re: new to the board, intro+question
1. Our favorite are Thirsties. I've heard from some that they can be a tad large in the nb stage, but not sure if that is overall true or not - at that point we were using proraps, which worked fine, but we just didn't like quite as much. I've also used Bummis Super Brites, and have been happy with them, especially w/ pfs.
2. We used Green Mountain Diapers prefolds, and loved them. I've had friends who used the Bummis' pfs when they CDed their nb, and they seemed to work fine for them. We were able to skip some of the sizes in the GMD's (skipped from Yellow edge to Brown edge) which saved us a bundle. We just folded the brown edge down until they fit better.
Actually - you'll end up spending SO much less with doing your own than with a service. The initial outlay may be a bit more, but over time you'll be saving a bundle!
1. Thirsties covers are great. I also have a Bummis and a Blueberry that I really like.
2. I used GMD prefolds and they are awesome. I haven't used any other so I don't have anything to compare them to.
Thanks so much for the fast respones! I am glad to hear that people have had good experiences with Thirsties covers, as those are the ones I am looking at right now. I think I am going to end up the the Thirsties Duo Wrap with Snaps. I understand that the snap versions wear a bit better in the long run, for multiple children. Plus, Velcro bothers me...so I figure I won't put it on baby if I don't like it.
Any suggestions on detergent would be great too. I am looking at something I can easily get at the store. We have a SuperTarget close by that carries a larger variety of "green" laundry stuff.
I would be happy to sell you my yellow edge GMD prefolds as you will be needing them about when we're done with them. I have 20 if you're interested (also have 2 Thirsties covers size small in green and lilac if you want to buy, they are velcro and they are in great shape).
Here is a link for detergent choices: https://www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com/detergentchoices.htm I haven't found any CD safe detergents except for Planet in stores near me, but I'm sure that varies by geography.
I would be interested in the prefolds, just PM me with details. Think I will pass on the covers, since I am going to be getting the snap Thirsties Duos.