Baby Names

What do you think of the name...

Hunter?  For a girl?  Opinions please.
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Re: What do you think of the name...

  • Honestly, I don't like it. It sounds very masculine, and I don't even care for the name for a boy.

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  • I don't like the name for either, but definitely a masculine name. 
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  • Hunter for a girl? That gets a big No from me. I don't like it at all. 

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  • Interesting.  It's techinically a unisex name, but at least 3 people don't see it that way.  It's the only boy name DH and I agreed upon, and I was thinking that we might use it whether (hypothetical) LO #2 is a boy or a girl.  I was just curious what others thought...
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  • I don't like the name to begin with since I despise hunting, but def. not for a girl! WAAY to masculine.
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  • I do not like it for either sex, but the 2 that I know are both boys.
  • Hunter was that homely, obnoxious friend of Meadow's on the first couple seasons of The Sopranos. That's the only time I've seen it used on a girl, and even though she was fictional, she left a bad impression.

    Also, it would sound very strange with your other daughter's name. Lila and Hunter. No one would even think to ask if you're second child was a girl; with DD#1 having such a feminine name, they'd automatically assume Hunter was a boy.

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  • I am not a fan and I don't think it goes with your DDs name at all.
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  • imagealliejo725:

    Hunter was that homely, obnoxious friend of Meadow's on the first couple seasons of The Sopranos. That's the only time I've seen it used on a girl, and even though she was fictional, she left a bad impression.

    Also, it would sound very strange with your other daughter's name. Lila and Hunter. No one would even think to ask if you're second child was a girl; with DD#1 having such a feminine name, they'd automatically assume Hunter was a boy.

    Ok, ok.  I didn't see the Sopranos, but the vote seems universal.  If we have another girl, DH is going to have to learn to like Eloise or Juliette.  If it's a boy, he'll probably be Hunter, despite many people's dislike of the name.  Or Lila may be an only.  We'll see!

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  • I think it is very masculine. However, there is a soap actress name Hunter Tylo. 
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  • Laughable, at best.
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  • I may be in the minority here because despite my usual preference for more classic names, I don't mind Hunter for a girl. That said, with another daughter named Lila, I would probably go for something similarly feminine and simple, like Julia, Cora, Mae, Charlotte, Opal, Clara... something along those lines.
  • we have a little neighbor girl named Hunter.  I think it fits her!! :)
  • Not for a girl.
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  • Interesting.  It's nice to see a few who aren't completely horrified.  :)  And I never thought about siblings name "going together" until I came to the bump.  Maybe it's because I'm an only child.  I'm totally amused by this!  Thanks for all the thoughts!
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  • It's NMS, but I think for a boy it could possibly grow on me (if the boy was an adorable, sweet kid who gave me a positive association with the name).  But for a girl I hate it
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  • Love it for a boy, but not at all for a girl.
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  • We have friends who used it as a middle name for their little girl and they call her by first and middle name (Mary Hunter).  Honestly I am not a huge fan of that name and I tend to think that Hunter is more masculine.
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  • It's a very masculine occupational name. I wouldn't do it. If you're in love with it, middle name it, but if you're setting it next to your existing daughter's name, it will make young, girl Hunter look even more like a boy.
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  • imagebiblionerd:
    I don't like the name to begin with since I despise hunting, but def. not for a girl! WAAY to masculine.

    ITA and to add I don't like the name for a boy either...

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