
feeding babies

How did you feed your babies when they weren't quite holding there own bottles, getting to fidigity for boppy pillows and pushing themselves all over the place, and you were the only one feeding. Bottle feeding is starting to become a challenge! LOL...

Re: feeding babies

  • My girls are 8 mos and still not holding their own bottles.  We used to feed in bouncy seats and then they got too wiggly and it wasn't working for us anymore.  We then switched to high chairs.  They each sit in one on either side of me and I hold their bottles.  That's where do our bottles and food eating.  Except for at night when or sometimes before nap when I feed them in their room and hold them both in our rocking chair and do it that way.  The rocking chair isn't the best but they like it and it calms them before rest/bed so we do it.  If they are really wiggly though it doesn't work well.  GL!
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