Hello everyone! Sorry I've been out for a bit (vacation, end of summer craziness). I'm catching up on all I've missed, but I have a question.
My cycle has always been pretty regular 30-31 days. I had a mc in January, and it took 5 weeks for AF to come afterwards, but moved back to my 30 day schedule the next few cycles after that. Then, I had two 28-day cycles. The first time I figured was just a fluke, but because it happened twice in a row I mentioned it to my endo when I had my thyroid check-up last month. So she checked some other hormones with my thyroid b/w. She said they all looked OK.
My last cycle was 27 days. I'm a little confused by it. Does it mean anything if your cycle gets shorter? Anyone else experience a cycle change like that?
Re: Cycles getting shorter?
I have always had regular 28 day cycles - even after I got off BC that I'd taken for years I got AF like clockwork. Since my D&E in January I haven't had a normal one - they range from 27 to 33 days. I've seen lots of other women in TTCAL say the same thing. I wouldn't worry too much.