March 2011 Moms

HELP!!!! Maybe TMI

Ok, this may be a lil TMI, but I am willing to try anything right now.  What have you been told is ok to take for constipation?  They put me on zofran, and since I have not been to the bathroom.  I am tried so many old wife tales and nothing is working.  I have had purnes, juice....and anything else anyone tells me about.....if anyone has any ideas.....please help!
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Re: HELP!!!! Maybe TMI

  • Prune juice usually does the trick for me, but as you've tried that, have you tried stool softeners? Laxatives aren't a good idea when pregnant, but my OB said stool softeners are perfectly ok on occasion. Also, fibre, fibre, fibre! Dried apricots are full of fibre and are good for nibbling on Smile

    Best of luck! I really fight with constipation too and I know how dreadful it can be. 

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  • You need to increase your fiber intake and that will help.  I love that FiberOne stuff.  They have yogurt, granola, muffin mixes, and my favorite the cereal. 

    Also my OB office says that metamucil, citrucel, fibercon, benefiber, and ducosate sodium (50 mg) are all approved for constipation in pg.  I just pulled their approved pg med list off the web to verify for you.  But your OB might have different suggestions if you call them.

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  • Fiber One cereal is super yum. And drink plenty of water! GL!
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  • I'm in the same boat as you! Today is my first day Zofran free so I hope it means a good BM to mark the event! I tried eating Bran cereal, eating lots of greens (natures scrub brushes), drinking a dosage of Metamucil nightly. And I'm still getting nothing. I'm about to go get a Fiber One bar in hopes of something helping. Keep us posted if you find the magical trick!

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  • Thank you all!!!  I am fixing to leave work and head to Food Lion to get me some fiber one :) Thanks again!
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  • skioskio member

    I know everyone says that drinking lots of liquids is the best remedy, but I still can't stomach too much liquid, even on the Zofran.

    The thing that helps me most is honestly skipping a pill or two here and there. I try to take it once a day (4mg) but often have to take it twice/day. If I'm feeling good, I try my best to skip a day and that really helps get things moving.

    Also, I have a big cup of apple juice with fiber at night and take at least two stool softeners a day. I also have prunes and force myself to eat 3-5 in the morning when I can, and I eat a lot of fruit (apples, grapes, watermelon) too - which has actually been great for my m/s.

    If all else fails, glycerin suppositories supposedly do the trick. Feel better and call your doc for more advice if you're still having issues!

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  • All the fiber suggestions are good but if you're looking for a bit more help with medication, Miralax was the only thing that worked for me just to get things moving again. Also, Colace helps.
  • Yeah my doctor said try may try that tonight too.
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  • I have not had my Zofran since Friday and still nothing :(  I will be sure to let you know what ever works for me...I am going to try fiber one tonight and also some colace tonight as well :)
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  • Zofran caused the same problems for me and the only thing that helped was Colace.  It was not instant relief though because it took a good 2 weeks for me to become a little more regular.  I was also all about the fiber and eating as much as I possibly could, but for me it just made things worse.  My doctor explained that because I had such severe consitpation the fiber I was eating wasn't passing through, but rather piling up and drying things out even more.  (sorry if that's way TMI)  So, I cut back on the fiber, increased my liquids even though it made me nauseous and I kept taking 2 colace a day.  Now I'm nearly back to normal!

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  • Ok so I went home took two colace and had one fiber one this morning I was going.   Thanks again for all the help guys!
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