(I also posted this on Success after IF)
I'm a vegetarian, so I typically eat more soy than the average person. I keep reading that soy is not great for TTC because it mimics estrogen.
I've cut way down (the occasional veggie burger, soy sauce sometimes), but I'm wondering whether I should go cold turkey. (so to speak!)
any advice? thanks.
Re: XPOST: Have you given up soy?
I had read a few articles about the estrogen and then others about how soy was emasculating young boys and I just couldn't read any more.
Perhaps your doc could advise?
I'm also a vegetarian. From what research i have done on the topic, i have come to the conclusion that people eat WAY too much soy. Even cultures we think of as soy-based (Japanese/Chinese,) don't actually eat that much of it, and not in the same forms we do.
As a culture, we tend to take something we have decided is good for us, and add it to as many foods as possible. Yes, omega threes are great, but must we have them in our oj? Does there NEED to be fiber in our yogurt? Not only is soybean oil in a hell of a lot of foods, but people are choosing foods B/C they have soy. I would say there are plenty of people that are eating six or more servings of soy a day. Which is probably not a good thing (TTC or not) if it does mimic estrogen.
Personally, i try to stick to traditional, fermented soy products like tempeh, avoid the weird "soy sausages" type of foods, and use almond or rice milk. Once in a while i have edemame. I tend to think that soy is fine in reasonable amounts.
Antagonist IVF 7 retrieved, 4 fert w/ICSI&AH, 2 blasts transferred. Beta #1 9/20: 367 Beta #2 9/22: 841
I've given up soy. More for endometriosis than TTC, though. I'm kidn of on a diet experiment cutting out soy, caffeine, wheat, dairy, sugar, red meat and going mostly organic. The wheat part is the hardest.
My god, pixie....much power to you!
Antagonist IVF 7 retrieved, 4 fert w/ICSI&AH, 2 blasts transferred. Beta #1 9/20: 367 Beta #2 9/22: 841