We had a sticky trap underneath the changing table in the girls' room. We looked at it tonight and there are 3 brown recluse spiders stuck to it! Yikes! I want to call tomorrow to get quotes for getting our house sprayed. I wonder if we'll have to stay out of the house for awhile after they spray? I really don't like the idea of spraying a pesticide in my house, but I don't want the darn spiders either. Has anyone had any experience with this?
Re: Spraying for Spiders
Thanks! Even if they tell me it's safe for them to be around it, I would probably have them stay the night at my parent's house just in case. My aunt got bit by one and got very very sick, so it makes me worried that they're in the girls' room (and probably other rooms in the house). Not to mention I feel all creepy-crawly right now! Yuck!
OMG, I am usually not freaked out by spiders at all.. they can even crawl on me and I dont care.. BUT I will torture any spider that even thinks about crawling on or near my babies.
But to answer your question.. there should be something you could spray outside first to see if that helps, then as a last resort having the inside done?!
HOLY SHIIT! Brown recluse IN the nursery?? That freaks me out horribly.
I got a bad spider bite 4 weeks ago... it bit me twice on my arm in my bed -- we caught it thankfully... the pain was HORRIBLE - like a bee sting- i needed benedryl, advil and ice packs. My arm hurt for about a week, then it itched for another week- and now i have 2 bruise-looking marks there STILL - and this was not a recluse... those are HORRIBLE - i had a friend who's finger was 1/2 amputated b/c of a recluse bite!
do what you have to... talk to the company about the chemicals, etc. I know we spray for spiders ourselves 2x's a year- DH sprays around all windows and doors - all around the frames... we googled and sites online say to do this... it has helped a lot.... we used to have a lot of spiders before that.
good luck - I'd be a freak if I still lived in an area with recluse spiders - i HATE them.
In my bag: Nikon D90; 35mm 1.8, 90mm 2.8 macro (my fave), Lensbaby Composer with macro extensions. BFP after 13 cycles and one ectopic. Lost left tube 5/19/10.
We live out in the country and have a company that comes out every quarter and sprays an organic spray. It smells kind of like peppermint. I have been sensitive to smells and chemicals during the pregnancy and this hasn?t bothered me. Also, it gives me piece of mind. Good luck!