Two Under 2

Double Stroller Suggestions

DD will be *almost* 2 when LO is born and I'm wondering about double strollers.  Any recommendations?  I currently have a maxi cosi foray and would like something similar......does quinny make a double stroller?  Is 2 too young to use a sit and stand?  TIA
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Re: Double Stroller Suggestions

  • my rec, if doable for you, buy an infant wrap/sling/carrier and wear dc #2 at first.  wait and see what #1 does .  I have friends whose 2 y/os refused to sit in a stroller.  my dd, still will kick back for stroll in one at 4 1/2.  although much less frequently. I don't think we've used the double more than a handful of times this summer.   but we've had our Phil &Ted with jump seat for 2 years... and we have used it A LOT!  love how easy it is to maneuver. smooth ride. and I noticed the newer model has some great improvements (shades and closer/opening).  I'm a fan.  my #1 is pretty tiny, so they have been close in wt for a while now.  so for much of the last year year and a half, ds rode up front and dd would hop in and out of the back on her own.  but when I first got it, dd would still doze in the stroller at times.  so we wanted the full seat for her.  we bought it when #2 was 9 m/o and #1 was 2yr 4m
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