DH gave DS about half of the capful of ACT Kids fluoride, like we do every night. For whatever reason, he decided to swallow it.
I just called poison control and the lady told me to give him 4 oz of milk, which we did, and she said he may throw up but he will be fine.
I'm freaking out though because my dentist gave me a prescription for fluoride for me and told me to be sure to keep it out of his reach, because even trace amounts could kill him.
The poison control lady said this is different fluoride and not that type, but I'm still freaking out. She said he may throw up, but now I'm afraid to put him to bed.
Anyone have this experience? Will he be fine?
Re: Help! DS just swallowed mouthwash!
How could trace amounts of flouride kill him when there's flouride in the water?
Honestly, if my kid drank half a cap full of Act it wouldn't even occur to me to get nervous.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
The calcium in the milk will bind the fluoride, inactivating it. And yeah, he will probably have a tummy ache.
And she was right, it is different from the fluoride that you have.
I know it's scary, but you did the right thing calling Poison Control. They are a great resource. He'll be fine.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Thank you for the replies. Logically, I know he will be fine, but when you are in the moment, you worry. I don't think the poison control center "lied" to me, I just remember my dentist making a huge deal out of it and it worried me.
He seems to be doing fine, but was scared, and I hope scared enough not to swallow it again!