Hello there
My husband and I are trying to figure out where our twins will sleep when we first bring them home. We really want to have sleep together for as long as possible. We have a pack n play with bassinet, but it only holds up to 15lbs. It will probably work for a little while, but we're not sure what do after that. We orginally thought we'd set one crib up in our room and they'd sleep together there. But we just realized that it won't fit through the door, so to move it into their room when the time comes, we'd have to take it apart and reassemble it. (something I've heard is a royal pain!!) If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Re: Newborn Twin Sleeping Arrangements??
You can look on craigslist for a bassinet, or a cradle. My father is making me a cradle and I'm putting that in our bedroom and they will share it. When they grow out of that, they will move to their cribs.
Good luck!
I am having my twins in a couple of weeks, and I plan on putting them both in the pack n play beside my bed until they get too big then moving them to the crib. I will probably have them sleep together in one crib until they start rolling over or get into different sleeping patterns. Hope that helps and good luck
This is exactly what we did. ?Moved them out of the PNP bassinets and into a shared crib at 3 weeks, and then just recently separated them into separate cribs when they started wiggling/moving too much in their sleep.?
BFP #2 - 12/9/09 After being on bedrest for 10 weeks due to TTTS and hospital bedrest for 4 weeks due to PPROM, my sticky babies are here! Born at 32 weeks!!
OMG this is us! They live in the bouncers so much I'm worried about their spines. The pack n play is in our room but has become the storage area for extra diapers, clothes, blankets since we're upstairs and their room is downstairs. I'm guessing I will get a 2nd PNP at some point because I don't want to move them to their rooms until they are sleeping in large blocks during the night.
They shared a PnP in our room until about a week ago when they hit the 15lb limit. We;ve since moved them into their own room and now they share a crib.
They love their bouncys but I can't wrap my head around letting them sleep in it all night. Somehow all day is fine, but not all night. Just my craziness I guess.
BTW, it's not that hard to take apart and put together a crib. We've done it a few times, it takes dh about a hour.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
Totally trial and error to see what works for you!
Our babies each have a bassinet. For the first three weeks at home, they slept together in one bassinet (babies were small enough to lay side ways instead of length wise so we could fit them in it together). Now that they are getting a little bigger and mobile, they are each in their own bassinet. Ever since they started the 3 week growth spurt and were eating every 1.5 - 2 hours around the clock, they've spent more time in bouncy chairs between feedings. They seem to really like them, and from what I can read it's too early to start bad habits.
As far as where they are located....they are in the living room. DH and I split up the night shift, so the parent caring for the babies sleeps out there (if they can even get any sleep in!). Our master bedroom is also downstairs making the other parent only a shout away if help is needed. It's important that we get solid sleep while it's the other's turn, so that's why the babies are not in our bedroom (they are too nosiy and never sleep solidly until the next feeding). When DH is caring for them I come out and pump on the couch and then go right back to sleep.
At some point we will transition them to upstairs where their nursery is located. We are going to purchase a microwave and a small refrigerator so that we don't have to go up and down the stairs in the night (I am EPing so being able to make bottles easily will help).
Good luck! It's really just trial and error. I would have loved to nurse them; that would make life much easier. But they never really got it, and I am headed back to work. If I could have nursed them at night they probably would have stayed in our room.