Hello Ladies,
I had a BPN from my second IVF cycle. After three years of ttc, all for nothing but a huge IVF loan and the bruise on my stomach from the shots. I am heartbroken and completely lost.
The only good news is that my second IVF is a much better cycle than first. I had 5 eggs retrievd and 2 embryos tranferred. I had only 2 eggs retrievd and no transfer from first IVF. I used Dr. Davis' EPP Antag protocol with my local RE this time. If I am going to do third IVF, it has to be with Dr. Davis at Cornell or CCRM. I wish their labs will make a difference in regard of fertilization rate.
I don't understand why IVF bought me worse results than IUIs. I had two chemical pregnancies from IUI with Clomid and IUI with FSH. Should I go back to IUI? Should I stop ART altogether?
Any of your advice in regard of next step is greatly appreciated. If you have experience in finding a job covers IVF or moving to a different state for IVF benefits, please kindly share.
Thanks a million.
Re: BFN, What's next?
sorry to hear about your BFN. i also had better follicle results during my IUIs than with my IVFs. it was never explained to me why this was though. Were any of your IVFs covered by insurance? Where do you live now?
I live in NJ and DH and I both work in NY. at the time of our treatments we were on Blue Cross/Blue Shield with a PPO and had unlimited IUIs and up to 3 IVFs covered. our first IVF with ICSI resulted in DD #1. our 2nd IVF with ICSI failed, but a month later we conceived DD #2 naturally.
if you are paying out of pocket for the IVFs and IUIs, maybe switch back to the IUIs for a bit since you were having better results. We did 3 IUIs in total and had 1 chemical pg.
also are you on your own insurance or your husband's? sometimes switching from one to the other can make a difference in fertility coverage as well.
5 cycles of Clomid with satisfactory response=BFN's
Fibroid removal Nov2010
IUI Clomid #1 Feb 2011...BFN..damn it!
IUI Inject's #2 Apr 2011...CANCELLED...low estradiol
IUI Inject's #3 June 2011...BFN
IUI Inject's #4 Sept2011...BFFN
Lap Dec 2011...severe endo..cyst removed..some remains...
IVF#1 Apr 2012 ....cancelled due to over suppression
IVF#2 July 2012....6 follies...only 1 retrieved....BFFN
surgery suggested to move ovary to an better placement but....we moved two time zones away and are financially and emotionally empty
kinsalebri, thank you for your sharing of insurance. I am working on it. I also appreciate your advice of going back to IUIs with the low success rate of IVF of my case.
ForTheLove, thank you for your replying to my post.