DS and the new baby will be 18 months apart. What should I do to get him ready for the new baby (they will share a room but the baby will not sleep in that room at night for the first couple of months)? Also, what should I expect behavior/interest/jealousy wise when the new baby comes. I have no clue what level of awareness DS will have at that age. TIA.
Re: Tell me about an 18 month old with a new baby
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Mine were 21 months apart, but honestly, LO1 was pretty oblivious. She noticed the baby and would talk about the baby when he cried, but otherwise, she just ignored him and did her own thing. I was expecting jealousy and possessiveness, but did not experience that.
I do think it depends on the personality of the older one, but a lot of people I've talked to IRL have had similar experiences to me.
As far as nighttime goes, I would get LO1 a sound machine to drown out the crying a little, but otherwise just let them get used to the noise. They will get used to it, might take a couple days.