
Bath Time Help

They have outgrown the infant tub that I used at the sink. Yesterday I tried to give them a bath in the big tub, what a disaster that was. I was so unorganized, my back hurt, they were sliding all over the place, they kept falling in the water face first while trying to crawl around.  I was so stressed out.

What is your bathtime like? Do you put your twins in the bath together? Any tips, ideas or advice would be much appreciated.

IVF #3 = ID Twin Boys TTC #3, June 2011 FET #1 m/c 9 Weeks, October FET #2 BFN, December FET #3 BFN, March FET #4 c/p, June FET #5 BFN, July FET #6 embie didn't survive the thaw IVF#4 September 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Identical twin boys born at 30 weeks 2 days due to HELLP

Re: Bath Time Help

  • My girls are big/tall, and I'm still using the sink tub! 

    Our tub set-up sucks...sliding glass door, and toilet is RIGHT THERE.  I tried to put them in the big tub and it was a big fail (just as you describe, unorganized, back hurt, sliding). 

    Of course I know eventually we need to get in the big tub - lol. 

    ETA:  I think using a tub seat, and bathing one at a time would help.

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  • I used an inflatable tub within the big tub with DD.  
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  • We've always done bathtime in the big tub. I fill it deep enough that it comes over their thighs so they can still crawl around in it with out getting water in their face. They have their toys that they play with while I wash the other one,  I dress one while the other plays and then dress the other (I typically bring a toy for the first one to play with so I don't get so much "help").

    Before their bath, I take diapers and PJ's into the bathroom, their lotions,brushes, and such are in empty wipe bin that I pull out of the cabinet while I fill the tub. It does take some prep work, but I couldn't imagine trying to corral them in the sink, plus mine love to slide all over the place in the big tub.

    As for the back, I wash both their hair and soap them one right after another and then rinse them both so I'm not hunched over the tub for long. Then they play while I rinse/dress the other. I can see where if you have a shower door it would be hard, we just have a curtain so it isn't bad.

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  • imagelisa&andy:

    We've always done bathtime in the big tub. I fill it deep enough that it comes over their thighs so they can still crawl around in it with out getting water in their face. They have their toys that they play with while I wash the other one,  I dress one while the other plays and then dress the other (I typically bring a toy for the first one to play with so I don't get so much "help").

    Before their bath, I take diapers and PJ's into the bathroom, their lotions,brushes, and such are in empty wipe bin that I pull out of the cabinet while I fill the tub. It does take some prep work, but I couldn't imagine trying to corral them in the sink, plus mine love to slide all over the place in the big tub.

    As for the back, I wash both their hair and soap them one right after another and then rinse them both so I'm not hunched over the tub for long. Then they play while I rinse/dress the other. I can see where if you have a shower door it would be hard, we just have a curtain so it isn't bad.

     This. Also, I figure if they dunk their faces a time or two it won't hurt them and they've learned to keep faces out of the water for the most part. Also, a bath mat at the bottom is a must so they don't slip.  

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  • I fill a really large laundry basket with water and put that in the bathtub. Its large enough for both of them to sit comfortably and move around, but keeps them somewhat contained so I don't have a lot of reaching and grabbing to do. If they do topple over, they hit the basket instead of the tub. You can put slip resistant shower decals on the bottom too to prevent them slipping. My girls are tiny though, so I don't know if this would work with larger infants.
  • I bathe one at a time in a tub seat.  The other is in the playroom, whcih thankfully is right outside the bathroom.  So far it's been ok, I would like to bathe them together but nervous about not being right on them while they're in the water and I can't figure out how to take one out and get him dressed while the other is still sitting in the tub. Or else taking them both out and watching them run in opposite directions and probably slip on the floor.
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