March 2011 Moms

Bored at work

To say that I'm bored at the office today is an understatement. I have no desire or will power to work today. I was up late last night throwing up, I didn't get any sleep when I finally did go to bed, and now I'm just sitting at my desk waiting for work to come across my desk. I have a really hard time being here knowing that I have a nice cozy empty bed at home!

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Re: Bored at work

  • ((HUGS)) I hope you feel better soon.  Was it just m/s or a virus kinda thing? 
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  • I feel so bad for all of you that go through throwing up in your pregnancies! I am one of those lucky ones that hasn't had to go through that. I have however had upset stomach and continuous loss of appetite for almost 2 months, so I still got to experience some unlucky symptoms! Hopefully yours will ease up soon. :)
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  • Ditto! I am struggling to get through the last 55 minutes of work today.  It's even worse because I have tomorrow off and I just want to get out of here!! 

    Oh, the partner I work with just brought me a tax election to do for him becuase "he knew I wasn't going to be here tomorrow".  He couldn't have brought it to me 3 hours ago when I was sitting at my desk staring into space...

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