If you have a second, please click the badge in my siggy to vote on our top 5 girl names.
The MN is set because DD will be the 4th generation to have that name in DH's family.
Sneak peak at the first name choices: Cora, Clara, Isabella, Katherine, and Taylor (with a 2-syllable last name).
Thank you!
Re: Our top 5 girl names - please vote!
Definitely Clara! I love it!
I love Isabel/Isabelle, but can't stand Isabella. Cora, Katherine and Taylor are just nms.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Isabella is my favorite. LOVE it!
Cora and clara are old lady names.
I like Katherine.
Taylor is very 80s
Cora, Katherine, Isabella, Taylor, Clara
But I think they're all great names. Can't go wrong with any of them IMO.
I love Clara and Cora! And then Katherine.
I like Isabella too, but in our area, it's very common.
I clicked on your siggy and there are only 3 names in it, and the 2 that are my favorite are not there :-(
Here is how I would rank your list:
Clara- One of my all time favorite girls names, LOVE
Cora- Love this one too!
Isabella- Very pretty, but to popular for me
Taylor- NMS but not a bad name
Katherine- Also NMS but not bad at all
All in all I think you have a great list and really can not go to wrong with any of them!
My favorites are:
1. Clara
2. Cora
3. Katherine
I don't care for the other 2. I used to like Isabella until the Twilight craze hit. I couldn't do that to my daughter, to be one of 10 in her class.
I like Clara. It is very different and unique. What would the middle name be?
Clara Grace and Clara Rose sound really pretty!
Clara and Cora are beautiful! Clara is actually one of my names.
Isabella = Twilight
Taylor = Masculine
Katherine = Nice.