
They're here :)

Leonardo and Luciana arrived this morning (36wks 1 day) at 9:45am and 9:46am. It was a super fast and easy vaginal delivery, the doctor pulled Leo out by his feet and both arrived crying and pink :) They were 4 lbs 15 oz and 4 lbs 10 oz. Both are in the NICU for now; Lucy will probably be able to go to the regular nursery in the morning. Leo's oxygen & heart rate has been a little wacky so he'll most likely be in the NICU for a while While delivery was a cinch, recovery has been a little rough and I haven't been able to hold the babies or ride down to the NICU yet. So happy that they are here and healthy. Alright, off to sleep . . .
Lilypie First Birthday tickers twins born at 36 wks Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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