Anyone have this? It's on sale on right now for $330 which is quite a bit cheaper than the BJ City Elite we've been looking at...
My only real concerns are it's weight... it's like 30lbs? And if it folds down nicely, and if we would be able to take it to the beach. DH and I both have smallish sedans and won't be able to get an SUV for a few more months so we need something that won't be a monster. Any reviews would be nice! If there was somewhere around here that had one we could try out it would be so much easier to choose
Re: Repost from Baby Gear: Valco Baby Twin Latitude Stroller
I have the valco tri mode and am still debating if i am getting the twin or just the toddler seat but i found that it was much easyer to lift then origanaly thought. plus space wise all the wheels come off so it folds down nice then u can stack the wheels. I love my valco but i would sugest going to the store and asking them to let u try it out around the store then you can decied if it will work for you or not. GL
Sorry it's called "Nurseries and Baby Gear"
That was too long to put in my subject [=