...has been coming over every day since Saturday. She's a nice little girl and she and DD get along great. She's 6 and DD is 2. They play "school" or sit outside on the back yard and play with our dog. Fine...but I'm starting to think this "coming over every day" thing is gonna be a problem. Her parents have come and brought her home but only twice. The other days we had to "send" her home. And today, when I pulled up with DD from school she was outside playing and was knocking on the door within 5 minutes of us being here.
I have no problem with her coming over but having her here is starting to be too much. I'm looking for a nice way to tell her to come over another time without hurting her feelings. But I have a suspicion that even if I say it in the nicest way possible, she'll still walk away with her feelings hurt. I mean, she's only 6 years old! Should I talk with her parents? And how can I bring it up to them without making it sound like "Why are you OK with letting your daughter stay here all evening?" They're great neighbors and I don't want to offend anyone and more importantly, I don't want to hurt the little girl. Thoughts?
Re: Neighbor's little girl...
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Ditto this. Our 5 year old neighbor knocks on my door all day looking for DS#1. He starts knocking well before school is even out and DS#1 doesn't really want to play with him anyway. I usually tell him DS is doing homework or chores, but I guess that wouldn't work with a 2 year old. Maybe tell her DD is getting ready to nap.