Went in for CD12 u/s and have 3 follies that are right at/around 19; 1 on Left and 2 on Right (or vice versa - can't remember!). The kicker is my lining...it was a little thin -- WTH!!?? I've never had any lining issues...even on the clomid!! gggrrrr! It was at 5.8. Well, after that I just felt like crap; and am already thinking that this Hail Mary will be a bust!
But, I'll do the trigger tonight and have IUI on Friday morning....it can happen, right?!
Re: Follie check / update
I'm sorry about your lining but I'm thrilled about your follicles. I have the exact opposite problem - my lining is great 11 but I have only one follicle. How about you give me some follies and I'll send you some excess lining?
I'm probably doing my IUI Fri and Sat a.m. - we can be buddies in our hail mary cycles!
Wishing you really really good luck!
That would be wonderful if we could swap / trade a little here and there! LOL! Can you send that stuff overnight??
Cheers! To 2WW buddies!
Wishing you much luck too!!
Start drinking POM juice...it will help thicken your lining.
Extra lining being fedexed your way. I'll let you keep your follies though
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!