Or some combination of doctors, did you pay copays differently? Supposedly I pay a copay for my first prenatal appointment and then not again, but the insurance company can't decide if I'd have to pay a copay every time I see the MFM.
Why oh why can't they answer questions about their own coverage?
Re: If you saw an OB and a MFM
I paid for my first prenatal (a co-pay) and then I had to pay the "specialist" co-pay for each visit to my MFM, which was slightly more $ than a regular co-pay ($35 vs. $20). I think I only had to pay it though when I had an Ultrasound (which was almost every time).
For my OB visits I only paid the first copay ($30), and was told I'll pay the rest of the bill (another$120) will have to be settled closer to the end.
As for the Peri, I don't see him, only see the u/s tech and if God forbid there is anything wrong, they will call in the peri, or if I have questions. I paid the first 3 appts the copay ($30/ea), but last time I was told no copay necessary. I have them investigating the need for the first 3 pmts to begin with... hope to get a refund at my next appt.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
I have Aetna Insurance. My OB is the same way. You pay the copay the first time and then never again. I have not had to pay a copay at the MFM that I see in conjunction with the OB. I wasn't sure if I would have to or not. I just took the wait and see approach.
I love this once and done copay at the OB. It's a nice break from the $40 copays everytime I saw the RE.
2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
I paid one copay (my regular $20 copay) when I went to my first prenatal OB visit, and that was it for my entire pregnancy, until delivery, when I paid for my hospital stay copay.
I'd ask the MFM office (their billing people.)
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Just figured out that our worst case scenario for the cost of delivery is $9000 + my copays. Last time with my fairly average delivery and a short NICU stay we hit the OOP max, so I'm convinced we will this time.
Needless to say, it would be nice to not have to pay the copays!
I'm going to have to get a second job or something.
I paid my OB a copay at the first visit- nothing since. At the MFM I pay 10% of the negotiated price. It has been around $23-$25 a visit.
My DH is changing companies in September so we shall see what the new insurance is like.
The first time I saw the OB I just paid my copay. At 3 months they do a payment plan and it had to be paid off by the 7th month. With my insurance, I ended up paying about $200 a month, not bad. It's been great because I havent made a payment to their office since the 6th month when I paid it off and I go bi-weekly now.
As for the MFM, I have not had such an easy time. I have paid a copay once there. After the initial visit with him I have had to pay 20% of each visit. I am still not sure why. It is something about him not checking "consultation" at each visit now. This ranges from like $150-$400 a visit. I have even told them I cant afford to see him and didnt for a while, until I started having problems again. I do have great insurance so this has totally thrown me off.