'cause my mom is asleep and I can't call her LOL
He's trying to arrange for a week off work. ?Not so he can write, or work on our house that so desperately needs it, or the back yard which needs napalm at this point, or hang with the kids... nope. ?
His mom wants help redoing half her roof. ?Nevermind that she has a live in boyfriend/whatever. ?Nevermind that her roof has been leaking for 4 years and she's just now talking about fixing it. ?Nevermind that last time we both went over to repaint her siding WITH her, she painted around one damn window and then took. ?a. ?freaking. ?NAP. ?Nevermind that we were trying to plan some sort of VACATION.
I get that she needs the help. ?But she thinks she's going to be up there, at 62 years old, "helping" when she can barely work a screwdriver... ?
I could have married a pharmacist with a lake house, pool, hot tub, and boats. ?BUT NO I married the damn beverly hilbillies.
Re: Dumb vent about DH
OMG. I'm dying at the hillbillies reference. I'm assuming her BF will puff on a pipe and try to talk to your H while H is on the roof, never realizing that he should help maintain the house?
Maybe he needs a wakeup call by way of a kick to the taint?
My SIL used to be uber-dependent on DH, and I'm so glad she's learned a little self-motivation.
Maybe his irrational thinking will wear off by morning. Or you can just take your vacay at MIL's house?
OR, send the kids with him and take a week vacay ALONE. There. That's the ticket. Go.
Boyfriend is an alcoholic waste of space. ?If he's not at the bar he'll be passed out naked in the house somewhere. ?MIL is a hoarder (really, no joke, I posted pictures on here before). ?We don't go in that house. ?Like I said, I DO get that she needs the help. ?But right freaking NOW? I'm just frustrated.
so, you've encountered him passed out, naked in the house before? I couldn't get past that part.....lol. yikes.
oh jeebus. I don't know the man, but I want to barf.
Close, that'd be her mom. ?DH's grandma is the food destroyer.
Some days I wonder if that tree is just a stump.. lol