I went to the dr today (follow up to pain and cramping I've been having). Everything checked out great...though, in a week I went from 32cm to 36cm. That would explain some of the discomfort. The NP decided that I should get an ultrasound, to see if it was too much fluid or just baby that caused such a growth. So, I get the ultrasound. Thia (A) is curled up into a ball at the very bottom of my uterus. That would explain that cramping. Ella (B) is right on top of Thia. Everytime we would try to get a good shot of Thia's belly or head, there was a part of Ella! Also, they are so close to eachother, there is a lot of fluid at the top of my uterus. The tech passed on the info to the NP, who will show the Dr. She wasnt sure if there was that much fluid because they were so close, or because there is just too much fluid. I have another appointment on Monday, so we'll see. Unless the dr is concerned, that is. So, all my aches and pains are because they are letting gravity pull them down. LOL. I am to get a belly band, and tylenol PM for night time.
Otherwise, though, babies are measuring great! I am 25wks 5ds today, and Thia (A) is measuring 25wks exactly and weighs about 1lb 12oz. She's in the 21st% for growth. Ella (B) has always been a bit smaller. She's measuring 24wks 6ds, and weighs about 1lb 11oz. She's in the 15th% for growth. Both were active, and still have their heads together!