Just wondering if you thought and/or found that labor or lactation classes were a waste of time.
I've seen a few people OTB say that the nurses at the hospital were better lactation consultants than the LC's at the courses (which I guess aren't designed for MoMs?)
I don't want to be doom and gloom about the delivery, but I'm wondering if it makes sense to do a labor class if we likely will not end up with a natural birth...
Re: labor and lactation classes - waste of time?
I found them very helpful. I had to do my labor course at home b/c of scheduling and bed rest, but it was a full kit with videos and stuff that Dh and I went through together.
My Successful BFing class was GREAT! The instructor is actually a MoM herself (and in my local MOTC) and throughout the class she would give me twin-specific information as appropriate, taught me the double-football hold, etc. She trained the nurses at the hospital where I delivered but they do not have LCs actually on staff so I was really glad I'd had the class.
they were for me. But, if you can BF you will save $$$$ that we spent on formula. I am more excited about switching to milk to save $$$$ than I am about the first bday. sad, but true.
If you end up with a planned C, try to avoid Friday as most LCs don't work weekends (at least around here). I didn't see a LC until Monday afternoon and I was discharged Tues at lunchtime. They really pressured me to give formula in the meantime and once my babies got ahold of the eay-peasey bottles there was no BF'ing going on. I pumped for almost 4 weeks but I always wished that I could have BF.
DH and I took a Marvelous Multiples Class - it was 6 classes, 1 night/week. It has prenatal care, labor (includes information on c-sections), child care, etc. It was geared towards parents of twins and triplets (and more!), and it was a good chance for us to meet other parents of multiples. Look it up online. It wasn't offered at the hospital I delivered at so we took it at another hospital nearby.
We also took a breastfeeding class together that was 2 hours. We both found it helpful if not just to calm some of the anxiety I had in advance.