
I give up - . napping. at my wits end

DD just will not nap more than 15-20 minutes.  At this point my frustration is hit its peak.  I have tried everything.  putting her down at timed intervals (2 hours after waking), putting her down with tired signs, when she wakes (screaming may I add) trying to rock her back, letting her cry and coming in to calm her, letting her cry. nothing works, she just wakes up screaming, and then continues.  1 hour of sleep in the day just isn't enough for her.  like she just got up and is rubbing her eyes after a 15 minute nap.  I am so beyond.  I can't get anything done is a minor consequence to the fact that she is not getting what she needs.  she STTN  (13 hours) and is crawling now for two weeks.  I know life is exciting, but its not a good thing.  I know every baby is different, but you can't tell me that 20 minutes is a good nap?  I just don't know what to do anymore.  p.s. I have read almost every book so that ship sailed. 

Re: I give up - . napping. at my wits end

  • I have no advice, only to say that I know how you feel. I have been to napping hell and back with Eli. He fights sleep even when he is exhausted. I tried everything, read everything. I think the harder I tried, the worse it got. I finally gave up trying and for some reason now he is napping well...go figure. We'll see how long this lasts but I'm not holding my breath.  
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  • If you've tried everything and she is 13 months I'd just let her cry.  That sounds horrible but, that's what I'd do.


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  • Boden is just like that.  He fights sleep with every ounce of his tiny being.  He maybe sleeps a total of 2 hrs between 6:30am and 7:30pm.   Other than not gaining weight at the same rate as his twin he seems to be fine.  He's generally in a good mood.   Adric on the other hand naps perfectly on schedule every day for the same amount of time for a total of about 4 hrs between those same listed hours.  
  • Be persistent and make a naptime routine- have you tried that maybe?

    Our "recipe" for naptime is diaper change, sleepsack, into their crib in the relatively darkened room/area(daycare is much brighter though), and their sound machine on.  Sometimes the seahorse too.

    My girls were cat-nappers at 4-5 months and the naps just gradually got better as they got used to the routine and what it meant.  First the morning nap got consistent and long, and then the second and third ones kind of emerged.  Now we're down to two naps at 10 months old.

    That being said, our 10 month olds spent an hour and a half (I kid you not) on Saturday talking, bouncing, laughing, standing up and sitting up in their cribs...   

  • NJLHNJLH member
    Mine are still crappy nappers but at that age, they did the same thing (minus the 13 hour nights!,,,Jealous). Would they sleep in a car? Or stroller? I used to resort to driving around or walking to get a little sleep out of them
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