Hi all! We are expecting child #3 in December. After a little bit of research, we are thinking that cloth diapers may be the way to go for our new addition. I'd appreciate your feedback on some of the following questions:
What is stripping? I know this is doing something to a used diaper...unsure of how it is done.
What CD do you prefer and why? I am leaning toward fitted, like Fuzzibunz or BG. Do you have a favorite? OS or not?
What did you do for newborn/size 1 sizes? Would you buy used?
Thanks for your feedback - so much info to absorb!
Re: new to cloth diapers - lots of questions
Stripping is a way to strip out any residue left on a diaper. You can google directions on how to do it. It usually involved hot water, lots of soaking, and potentially some special treatment (like using Dawn). It's not necessary to use it for used diapers unless you're terribly concerned. I've never stripped a diaper yet.
My preference has changed as DD has gotten older. I used a lot of prefolds, Kissaluvs, and VeryBaby fitteds, and sized Thirsties v2.0 pockets in the newborn stage. VeryBaby and Thirsties were my favorites. As she grew into OS diapers (they typically are too big until the baby is 10-12 lb), I started to like my BumGenius and Blueberry CDs.
For newborn sizes, I had the mix mentioned above. Almost all of my stash is used. I have some of them available if you're interested
Keep asking questions. It took me about 2 months of lurking to finally get it sorted in my head, and i"m still learning.
Some people are more concerned about it than others. If it bothers you, go for seconds, stashes that have been prepped but never used, or buy new. It's really up to you.
FWIW, a used CD may have only been used once a day or once every other day for a couple of months, for 2-3 hours at most. And washed and likely sunned to get out any stains.
But again, if it creeps you out, you have other options.