
What time were your 13/14 week twins going to bed?

At around 10 weeks I started doing the last feeding at 9 (I nurse and bottle feed so it takes a bit), the girls would be asleep by 10.

I'm wondering if I should try putting them down earlier now?  I was reading HSHHT (twin version) and it seems like they should have an earlier bedtime.  DH gets home at 7, so it was nice for him to have a couple of hours to see them, but if it's better for them to go down earlier, that's what we'll do.

I'm noticing they're not napping as well during the day, and they are waking more at night (they used to sleep through).  I think some of this is the 3 month growth spurt, but also I'm wondering if they need to go to bed earlier.



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Re: What time were your 13/14 week twins going to bed?

  • Mine did best (still do) when I put them down by 8pm. We would do last bottles (I EP) at 7 and then play in the nursery, read a book, listen to radio, whatever and then they went right down.
  • right around 3 months we started putting hte girls down earlier and ended up settling on a 6-6:30pm bedtime (we had been doing a 9pm bedtime up til that point) and that worked up until daylight avings spring ahead when we shifted it to sucked not having much time with hte girls during the week (barely an hour before and after work) but they slept so obviously it was and is well worth it..

    GL - I'd give the earlier bedtime a try and see how it goes!

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  • At about 9 weeks we started doing the last bottle around 6:15 or 6:30 so they could be asleep by 7pm. That has worked really well so far. Most nights they both will go to sleep. Just recently though they've been sleeping more soundly. I've heard babies sleep best from the hours of 7pm to midnight and the worst between 4am to 6am and that seems to be true as those morning hours are the toughest.
  • The boys at that age would go to bed by 10 pm, ideally an earlier bedtime would of been preferred.

    As they got older I started to try and get them to bed earlier starting at 9 pm and working my way down- they now go to bed at around 8 o'clock and that works well for us.  :)

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  • Mine go down around 10.  I was thinking of moving it up to 8 or 9, but I'm not going any earlier than that.  I think it's important for DH to get enough time w/ them at night. 
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  • My boys' bedtime was around 8:30 until they were 8m old, when they finally dropped the third nap and we moved bedtime to 7 p.m. We followed HSHHC as well starting at 7w, but with the timing and length of their naps (about 9-11:30, 2-4 and 5:30-6:30), an earlier bedtime just didn't work.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Ok.  I'm going to move their last feeding to 8 pm starting tonight and see how that goes for a couple of days.

    Last night they were asleep by 10, up at 1, up at 4, up at 6.  They went back to sleep at 7 until 10.  Since 10 am I think they have slept 1 hour total.  They have been MISERABLE.  I have tried everything- swaddling, white noise, nap in their crib, nap in swing (bad mommy!), and they will just not sleep but they are EXHAUSTED.

    I'll let you know how the 8 pm routine goes.  Following that, they should fall asleep around 9.  DH gets home at 7, so he'll have an hour with them, and then we do the bedtime routine together (after I nurse we each take a baby for bottle, burp, and then soothing), so he'll have some time.

    Agh.  I know, I know it gets easier.  It's lightyears better than when they were say, 3 weeks old.  But days like today make it seem like it will never improve!

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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