Good morning, ladies. I just sit hear and wonder why it has to be so difficult and stressful getting PG. I know the stress is self-inflicted but it's hard as I am sure you know. I thought for sure I was PG this month yet, AF reared her ugly head. I am now searching for a local Montgomery County, Maryland RE as well as a new OBGYN.
My DH has been very supportive even though I know he's disappointed in this past month's result.
I hope things are going well for the ladies I spoke with on my last post. All of the support and advice has been greatly appreciated.
How do you keep everything from getting you down?
Re: The Stress of Getting PG at 42
It seems we're all kinda down today. I think my only way to cope is by posting! Hang in there. We're all in this together.
I think all of us at one time or another have posted posts like yours. It's natural to feel down. I used to cry when AF showed herself. Now, after 11 cycles of trying, the way I cope... I expect NOT to be pg, so I'm not so disappointed by the BFNs. of course I'm still disappointed, but somehow this helps me. I know it's a negative way to think -- so I'm not sure if it's helping me in the long run! It's a coping mechanism, I guess.
sorry about AF. let's hope that next month you get your BFP. Take care.
Hi, Pix.
Thanks for the support. I've been spending my morning looking for an RE and the one fertility clinic here has an age cut-off of 44. I'm 42. Kind of made me even more depressed. I really hope we can to this the natural way.
I have been telling my DH that it's not fair, that these teenagers get pregnant who don't want to, but us women ready to share our with our own child have to seem to battle mother nature to get anywhere. I've been with my DH for just over 6 years but have only been married since May.
If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been trying?
Talk to you later.
Julie, Laytonsville, MD
I just checked them out and found Dr. Stillman. I'm sad to see their age cut-off is 44.
My sister-in-law is going to talk to her father-in-law, who is an OBGYN in New Hampshire and see if he can recommend someone here as well. I'm checking all options. Like I told you, I also need a new OB.
I know I'm not alone. I had been doing what you suggested, but this time I just really felt I was. I'm not going to get my hopes up but still try to keep it positive.
Thanks. And good wish vibes coming your way too!
we have only been kind of trying since about may. we just went straight to the RE but had some hiccups in the process (I found out I have endometriosis and had that surgically removed 2 weeks ago). before that I had to get measels vaccine and you have to wait 30 days to get PG after that. We think we're going to start shots and get IUI either this cycle or next. I don't care if we do it the natural way but it seems to be important for others. I'm just not wanting to waste time.
I'm sorry you are having a bad day. It's just really hard. I wish I had the magic secret to not being stressed - honestly I think I'm more stressed now that we are doing treatments b/c there is more information to obsess over.
Good luck finding a new RE and OB.
Thanks. As you know, it is such an up and down cycle. I just ordered a new ovulation kit. Clear Blue this time. When my DH gets home I am going to talk to him about choosing an RE. It's the age thing with them that really got me too! I never felt so old.
Thanks again. My best to you too!
Hi. I am so thankful to read this. I felt totally alone. I am 41, my DH and I just had our first round of injectable rx and we are in the tww--now.
I have never been pregnant before. We have been married for four years in July and my DH has been very sick, so we just started. I am hopeful. Although, the Dr's make me feel like being 40+ is the absolute worst thing is good to see that I am not alone.
A good friend of mine who is 40, just conceived naturally and had a beautiful baby boy in July. I know it can happen. I am just trying to stay positive and think clearly about all of this. I know it is only my first try, but I had seven ripe follicles and DH was a champ that day with his delivery!
Wish us good news on Friday--or I will just keep trying. There is a silver lining in every cloud! Happy thoughts to all!