Pre-School and Daycare

** Christian Mommies Group **

This is a weekly post of the Christian Mommies Group.  We are a group of mothers who desire to raise our children in the Christian faith.  Come and join us to pray, share ideas, and have fellowship with other Christian Mommies!  Look for this post each Monday.


How are you?  Any news, stories, or scripture to share? Is there anything we can pray about for you this week? 

TOPIC: How did you come to Christ?

Kind of a getting to know you - how did you become a Christian?  Were you born into a family that raised you as a Christian?  Did you come to find Him later in life?  Did someone turn you toward Him by sharing their own faith in Jesus?  Share your story!

"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13




Re: ** Christian Mommies Group **

  • imagemetisca:
    How are you?  Any news, stories, or scripture to share? Is there anything we can pray about for you this week? 

    I'm doing pretty good. My DD is 8 weeks old, so we're still in the "survival" phase.  DH and I are madly in love, but it has been a bit of a transition- going from having alone time every day together, to only having a couple minutes each day.  I miss my hubby. :( 

    TOPIC: How did you come to Christ?

    Kind of a getting to know you - how did you become a Christian?  Were you born into a family that raised you as a Christian?  Did you come to find Him later in life?  Did someone turn you toward Him by sharing their own faith in Jesus?  Share your story!

    I was raised in a Christian home, even went to a Christian school,  but I didn't really "get it" until I was a sophomore in high school. It was then that I realized that being a believer was not about following rules, it's about having an intimate, personal relationship with the One who created me. It's life of adventure, fun, and peace... not rules, condemnation, and sterility.

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    Can I join? :) I am doing very well!

    TOPIC: How did you come to Christ?

    I was raised in a Christian home and we went to an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. The church was awful. Focusing on rules that weren't even biblical instead of focusing on things that really mattered. It wasn't until we moved down south and I attended a big Christian school that I realized how much impact teenagers could REALLY have. How teenagers REALLY could love God and serve Him. I am SO grateful we moved away, because it changed my life moving here. My mom has said if we would have stayed up there, we would have ended up leaving that church anyways. We are all now members of a fantastic church!

    I can't tell you the specific date I was saved. This is because I had doubted my salvation several times throughout my life and had prayed for God to forgive me and to save me many times. I'm not sure when I was saved, but I KNOW I am. 

    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
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  • Topic: I was born and raised in a Christian family. When I was seven, I accepted Jesus as my personal saviour and was baptised. Christianity is the center of my life and always has been. I strive to raise my children in a God centered home like my mother did. I believe my upbringing has a lot to do with why my relationship with God is so strong.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers image
  • imageKRISTA555:

    How are you?  Any news, stories, or scripture to share? Is there anything we can pray about for you this week? 

    I'm doing pretty good. My DD is 8 weeks old, so we're still in the "survival" phase.  DH and I are madly in love, but it has been a bit of a transition- going from having alone time every day together, to only having a couple minutes each day.  I miss my hubby. :( 

    TOPIC: How did you come to Christ?

    Kind of a getting to know you - how did you become a Christian?  Were you born into a family that raised you as a Christian?  Did you come to find Him later in life?  Did someone turn you toward Him by sharing their own faith in Jesus?  Share your story!

    I was raised in a Christian home, even went to a Christian school,  but I didn't really "get it" until I was a sophomore in high school. It was then that I realized that being a believer was not about following rules, it's about having an intimate, personal relationship with the One who created me. It's life of adventure, fun, and peace... not rules, condemnation, and sterility.

    This, exactly! :)

    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • imagemetisca:

    This is a weekly post of the Christian Mommies Group.  We are a group of mothers who desire to raise our children in the Christian faith.  Come and join us to pray, share ideas, and have fellowship with other Christian Mommies!  Look for this post each Monday.


    How are you?  Any news, stories, or scripture to share? Is there anything we can pray about for you this week? 

    TOPIC: How did you come to Christ?

    Kind of a getting to know you - how did you become a Christian?  Were you born into a family that raised you as a Christian?  Did you come to find Him later in life?  Did someone turn you toward Him by sharing their own faith in Jesus?  Share your story!




    When I was younger we went to a Pentecostal church, my parents were divorced and remarried, my mom married my stepdad who was Catholic at the time. A few years later we found the Christian Church that we still attend. I wasn't baptized until I was 15 but ever since then I've had a strong relationship with God. Before I was married DH decided to get baptized and now we both attend my church. He is still very young in his faith but we plan to raise DS and future children in the church.    

    "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13




    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • TOPIC: How did you come to Christ?

    I grew up in a Christian home. My parents attended a Spirit filled non-denominational church. They really practiced living by faith. I learned from a very early age how to pray for everything. I always had a relationship with Jesus, however I was in HS before I made it official so to speak and asked Him to come into my heart. I look forward to teaching my LO all about Him and how to know Him intimately. 

  • I am blessed to have been born into a strong Christian family and was raised to know and love Jesus!  DH also, so this has always been a strong foudation for us to build our marriage on. 

    I agree though that although I was always a Christian and had faith, it took years to develop into what it is today.  I think my relationship with God is still evolving and growing as I learn more about Him and teach my girls about His love.


  • May I join you ladies?  I haven't posted before but I've been lurking!

    Although I was raised in a Catholic family, Christ was not really part of our day-to-day lives and I really didn't feel "Christian" as a child.  As a teenager I was even pretty cruel to other believers.  I'm ashamed of it now.  When I was in college I studied abroad and my roommate was Christian.  We slowly began talking about it and she shared her journey with me.  Somewhere along the way she asked me to go to church with her and eventually I did.  It was unlike any church I'd ever been to and during the service I felt so moved.  I knew I couldn't deny Christ's presence in my life afterwards.  I began attending Presbyterian services and really found a faith family there.  I only recently went through the process to become an official member and was re-baptised this past April. 

    It's so amazing to read everyone's testimony and really encourages me!  Thank you all for sharing. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi Ladies! Thank you so much for the prayers from week before last. DH's tonsillectomy recover went very well with not complications. He's back to work today. I kinda miss him. We got a lot more time with him than usual.

    I grew up in a church going family. My mom fell away when I was around 7 and my dad went back and forth. It was kind of a blessing because I then got to choose whether or not to continue going to church and build a relationship with Him.  There were more than a few times I wavered, but it's never taken long for me to realize what I'm missing and to come back to His peace.

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers image
  • Check-in:  Doing well.  Just trying to sort through Mt. Killingmewithlaundry. 

    Topic:  I grew up in a Christian home.  I didn't quite get it though, dreaded going because I didn't know the Bible backwards and forwards like the other kids, and was painfully shy to boot.  Then I went on a youth retreat in my sophomore year in HS and it was in one of those services where it all clicked. 

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • Hello Christian Mommies!

    DH is starting school today for the semester and I am at work like usual. DD has a different sitter today, so things are a little stressful. We had one girl come to our house everyday and now we have 4 friends rotating throughout the week with her. One is the same, the other 3 are good friends but just don't know her as well. I know they will keep her safe and happy but it is still hard knowing that she is with new people. My day is taking forever because I just want to be home with her myself. We also had an unexpected problem with our car that will cause it to be in the shop 3-4 days. Please keep us in your prayers this week!

    I grew up in a Christian home and have always been taught about Jesus. One Sunday there was an alter call and my younger brother wanted to go forward. He wanted me to go with him and I knew I wanted to make the decision for myself as well.

    You ladies are in my prayers!

    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Check In:

    Im doing great! DH finally has a job and he starts later this week!! Praise God!!! Its been a rough summer! 



    I was recently baptized and we had to give our story before we were dunked, so here's the long version of mine (it had to be shortened to less than 1 minute for the video)

    Two years ago, you'd find me and my blue hair in a Nine Inch Nails mosh pit, not church. I was lost and at that point, getting found was the last thing on my mind. In October of 2008, I met my now husband. 

    One night were talking about some pretty heavy things, and after he bluntly told me he could never date someone who wouldn't go to church, I agreed to go because I really wanted to impress him. 

    We'd been going to church for about a year, when I had a miscarriage. I never knew hurt like that. I felt like a failure, like I had been betrayed by my own body. I wasn?t sure what I had done to deserve that pain. 

    The following Sunday, was Helen's "getting rid of the 'if' in your life" sermon. She talked about freedom coming from letting go of that ?if?. I knew my ?if? at that point was ?God, if only you could take this hurt away?. So, at the end of the sermon, I wrote that on my card and gave it away. It was hard to get through that hurt, but I kept reminding myself that I had given God my ?if? and he would take care of my husband and I. And the very next month, I was pregnant again! Clearly, God was taking care of us!

    After that, God really started working on my heart, pulling me closer and closer to him.

    Then on Feb 28th, 2010, at the end of ?Cracking the Code? I had examined all the evidence, and knew that I couldn?t go another day without Jesus in my heart. With tears streaming down my face, I made my way to the front and with many of my fellow Questers, I asked Jesus to come into my heart, and take away all the bad things I had done in my life, and all the hurt I had experienced. From that moment on, I knew I didn?t have to carry around the burdens of my past. Every sin is gone. Every hurt I?ve felt has been erased and is now replaced with happiness and freedom that words can?t describe. I look forward to every day, because I know that I have Jesus in my corner, and with him, I can do anything! 

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  • I was raised in a Christian home and asked my mom how to become a Christian at age 4 after devotions one night.  I know I am very blessed to have had great examples before me.  My walk has not always been on the straight and narrow, but every day I love more and love God more!!

    As far as prayer requests go, I have had a job opportunity come my way that would be great for me right now.  It is at a local Christian non-profit, part time hours that would work during Q's school hours (he starts on Wed) and while it is not my ideal line of work (basic accounting stuff), it would help me with working with DH's business.  Please pray that whatever is best for me and my family will happen. 

    Also, Q starts school Wednesday at a local church school.  Please keep him (and me) in your prayers that all goes well!

  • Hey Ladies!  Katie started school today.  I know she had a tough time so that is something I'm praying for.  She is at a Christian school and came home saying "God is STRONG."  That melted my heart.  Please pray for this school year. 

    I was raised in a Christian home, but God was not the center of our home.  I was blessed to get to go to church camps and I went to a great camp in 7th grade where I decided I wanted to become a Christian.  I was lucky enough to go to Christian school and a Christian college after that. 

    DH and I started going to a new church 2 years ago and are working on putting Christ first in our family.

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