Has anyone done this?
I really want to visit my family upon moving to TX this fall and I have my mom to fly w/ me from TX to her place but then I'd be solo w/ DDs flying back to TX on our return flight.
I'm assuming I'd have to buy 2 tix (one lap baby, one in car seat next to me)? Or is it done differently?
I'd love to hear anyone's experience with this.
Re: Flying alone w/ LOs?
It would definitely be tough. We flew from the Southeast to CA to visit family last month and it was logistically challenging even with two adults. I can't imagine doing it by myself. We bought a seat for each DD and took a carseat on for both. The only problem is that meant DH took the carseats on the plane and I had get both DDs out of the stroller, fold the stroller, and onto the plane and to our seats by myself. Who knows, maybe other people have had luck with getting help from the airlines, but we didn't get a ton (granted, I didn't ask though).
I guess one question would be if your kids have flown recently and how they did on the flight. It was my DDs first flight and they didn't do terribly well. They didn't really sleep (even though it was nap time) and weren't terribly happy sitting in their seats either. Luckily, since I had DH one of us could get up and walk with a DD for a while. It's a little trickier doing that with two.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***