Pre-School and Daycare

What are your preschooler's favorite movies?

We don't sit around watching movies a lot, but my daughter has a couple favorites right now.  When she had Coxsackievirus and sick with other stuff it has been great to have stuff she enjoys watching while she's lounging in bed!

Little Mermaid, Lion King are her faves

She also likes Stuart Little, Up, and some others.

Looking for any good suggestions too!

Re: What are your preschooler's favorite movies?

  • We've all been sick and watching a lot of movies in the past week. 

    DD1 always asks for Watching Nemo and the "bug movie," aka A Bug's Life. Those are her favorites, but sometimes we'll watch Wall-E, Up, or Monsters Inc.

    DH and I have only bought movies that we actually like, pretty much all of which are Pixar flicks. We need to expand her movie collection, though! I'd love to get some of the Disney classics.  


    DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
  • Eva likes Happy Feet and Madagascar.  When she was in the hospital last year she watched Elmo in Grouchland on a continuous loop but thankfully she outgrew that one!  :)
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  • DD is most into Dora, Leap Frog, and wiggles. For full length movies, she liked tinkerbell.
  • DS loves all of the VeggieTales movies but his favorite is Grapes of Wrath.
  • DS loves Cars, Toy Story, Robin Hood, and he The Incredibles.
  • Princess/Frog, Toy Story (and TS2),  Chipmunks, Carebears movie... we have lots.
  • DD loves "The Princess and the Frog" and "Shrek".  I recently bought "Toy Story 1" for her...I'm sure she'll love it before long!  
  • DS loves "Cars", "A Bug's Life", and "Ratatouille."  He also likes to watch "Elmo in Grouchland".
  • he hasn't watched many movies (it's mostly Bob the Builder and Yo Gabba Gabba), but he saw Ratatouille and LOVED it.
  • Cars, Finding Nemo, Toy Story 1 & 2 are the favorites here.

    DS also LOVES the series "There Goes a..." There is one about firetrucks, tractors, trains, bulldozers, etc. Our library has them and he checks out one every time we go. We have watched all the ones the library has and he has learned things about each of those vehicles. 

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • The Tinkerbell movies are great!  I highly recommend them!
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  • Right now, she's all about the princess movies, mainly Sleeping Beauty and Beauty & the Beast.  She goes through phases and we've been through Shrek (all of them), The Incredibles, Mary Poppins, Cinderella and Little Mermaid. 

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • Finding Nemo and Clifford the big red dog
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