Please click on the link in my siggy to vote on our baby girl names...
DH and I have narrowed down this list and it is still a work on progress.
The Middle Name is going to be Ann and the Last is similar to Carrot.
____________ Ann Carrott
Thank you
Re: Stuck on Girls names!!!
Lilah: Not a fan. I just don't like the Layla, Lila, Lola names.
Daphne: Unique, yet not far out there. For me, I can never get past Scobby Doo associatons.
Aliza: Although it sounds like Ah-liza, you would be better off spelling it Eliza.
Myra: Eh.
I'm sorry
. I'm not sure if you want suggestions? Or could you give more names you are considering?
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Sorry, but I don't think any of your names flow well with Ann.
I guess Daphne Ann is the least bad, but it could come out sounding like "Daph Neeanne" (like Leanne)
Please refer to Rule #2 of the "9 Timeless Rules For Naming Your Baby" article in my siggy.
Just let us know when you have some new choices.
And might I suggest you do a clicky poll next time to get more responses from Bumpies? (see siggy for the "How To")
I was the one that told you none of your names fit with the middle name. How would I know that, if I hadn't already clicked on the link in your siggy?
That's not what we call a "Clicky Poll". I meant a Clicky Poll on this board.
The reason I suggest a true "Clicky Poll" is that I'm thinking you will get more votes. Just trying to help.