Then welcome to my club.
For my daughter, we did not pick her name until I was 37 weeks preg, and then had her 3 days later. But, i know that we at least had a list of sorts by this time (I am 31W)
I have suggested a few names to my husband, of which he hated all of them. he has not given one suggestion.
I gave him a "deadline" of Aug 31, telling him that he had to give me SOMETHING.
And, since we do not know what we are having, we need 2 names, well 4 - since we would need middle names as well.
Re: Anyone 30+ weeks preg and not even have a list?
Hi Amy!
So you are not doing a jr. if it's a boy? I thought I had seen you post that your DH really wanted a jr...did you nix that idea?
Well, he IS a Jr, and really wants to do a III, I am just not 100% on board with that. It would be Frank Arthur N the III......It is a mouthful, if you ask me. And, Arthur is is horrible.
We may still go this way, who knows. I find it the most annoying that is is pretty adament about Frank the 3rd, but yet shoots down every girl name.
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Thanks for the compliment, we think she is cute too.
Anyway, I personally like unpopular older names for girls; and unpopular names for boys. Neither being "weird"
My (bio) kids are Colin and Cora - the double "C" was not on purpose and will be avoiding a C name this time around. Colin is a teenager, so this name was NOT popular at all 16 years ago. Cora was found on the 1901 SS# list, plus it is unique without being weird.
Our last name is 4 syllables, so I guess super long names are out too.
To give you an idea, here are some of the names that made it to the list for my daughter:
Adele, Evelyn (her middle name), Estelle, Aubrey, & Sylvia
I will have to check out that other post, thanks
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Interesting poll, here is my breakdown:
Your personality type is: Classic Unusual : 40%
Your personality type is: Modern Eccentric. : 25%
Your personality type is: Classic Eccentric : 20%
Your personality type is: Modern Unusual : 5%
Your personality type is: Classic Conservative : 5%
Your personality type is: Classic Outmoded : 5%
Your personality type is: Modern Conservative : 0%
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Wow, we really DO have the same taste in names. a lot of these name have been on my (pretend) list for this baby. Some I have not presented to my husband, some I have.
too funny how perfect strangers have very similar thoughts on names. I bolded the ones that I am hoping make it to "the list"
Thanks for the suggestions. Here are some that I liked, but my husband said no to:
Hazel, Meredith, Elise, Elsie, Piper, Opal, Florence (Florie), Dorothy, Mallory, Violet, Eloise, Gretchen, BridgetMy Blog