We were at our local Toys 'R Us today and fournd the "pink" Tag system with the reader, batteries, software, and "Cat in the Hat" book for $19.99. Seriously! It was on clearance. I got it for Ethan and was somewhat relieved that it's more lavender than pink, but for $30 less than the green one, I'll take it!
Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11

Re: Great bargain on Tag reading system
Thats the one I got DS for christmas for the same price at TRU! (I was able to find a green one though.)
I know he is going to love it!
He still plays with my SD's leap pad thing from back in the day but they don't make books/cartridges for it anymore.....
Maybe I need an explaination as to how this thing works, lol! Why does it need memory of the books? Don't you just scan it along whatever Tag book you have? I guess I need Preschool Toys 101......
It is 32mb that holds 10 books. He doesn't seem to care that it's purple.
There's a cord in the box that you hook up to your computer along with a disk that downloads a program onto the reader "pen". You then download the audio for the book(s) you buy. When you touch the pages, you play the games or read the stories. It looks like you can download just the audio without the book if you want your kid to just listen to a book (there's no where that you imput a code from a purchased book or anything).
This is mostly correct....each audio has to be downloaded, but it doesn't do any good to download extra books because the only way to activate that audio is by touching the Tag to the book, so you must have the book to hear it.
And so cool that you got the 32mb one! That is totally a steal!