I am 16 wks today. My last u/s was exactly 4 weeks ago. I saw my OB earlier this week and she gave me a referral to the MFM for an u/s. Now, I don't have an u/s appt until 9/8 (I"ll be 18+wks) so they can do the anatomy scan. That means it will be almost 7 wks from my last u/s. Should I request an earlier u/s? I thought I was supposed to have an u/s once a month or does this start later?
I should also add that I'm having identical twins so I know there is an increased risk for TTTS, so, I think I'm extra concerned, but I don't want to be paranoid.
Re: Need advice.....
I didn't have an ultrasound between 7w and 16w, when I saw the MFM for the first time. So while I don't necessarily think that was a great idea, it isn't unheard of. (I had three babies sharing a placenta, so even more concern for TTTS, but thankfully this was never an issue with us.)
(I did, however, have unofficial u/s with a friend who is an OB. So at least I had peace of mind.)
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