
Need advice.....

I am 16 wks today. My last u/s was exactly 4 weeks ago. I saw my OB earlier this week and she gave me a referral to the MFM for an u/s. Now, I don't have an u/s appt until 9/8 (I"ll be 18+wks) so they can do the anatomy scan.  That means it will be almost 7 wks from my last u/s. Should I request an earlier u/s?   I thought I was supposed to have an u/s once a month or does this start later?

I should also add that I'm having identical twins so I know there is an increased risk for TTTS, so, I think I'm extra concerned, but I don't want to be paranoid. 


Re: Need advice.....

  • I had an u/s at 8 weeks, 12 weeks at special u/s place, 12 weeks at OB just because they wanted to check the heartbeats, 18 weeks at special u/s place, 24 weeks at special u/s place, and 25 weeks at OB to check their growth.  I am supposed to have one now roughly every month to check their growth.  I go again at 30 weeks for a checkup but don't have an u/s planned.  I will go every 2 weeks or more often after that so I imagine I will have another one around that time frame and then as needed.  My babies are fraternal, in separate sacs, have different placentas, are growing perfectly (bigger than average), and I am doing great, so I imagine less is a good thing.  If you are unsure, you could call your doctor.  That's what they are there for.
  • I didn't have an ultrasound between 7w and 16w, when I saw the MFM for the first time. So while I don't necessarily think that was a great idea, it isn't unheard of. (I had three babies sharing a placenta, so even more concern for TTTS, but thankfully this was never an issue with us.)


    (I did, however, have unofficial u/s with a friend who is an OB. So at least I had peace of mind.)

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  • I had one at 8wks to date me, 12wks to figure out if they were MoMo or MoDi, and 20 wks for anatomy.  Now, I wont get another one til 28wks, and then it'll be once a month til I deliver, unless something comes up.  I have started my every 2 weeks appointments, so they will do cervix checks and if something feels off, they will fit me in.  I, too, am having identical twins, and from what we can see, there is only one placenta.  But, everything looks good so far!
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